Example sentences of "[vb base] her [adv prt] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 're going to take Sarah , grind her up and send her back as hamburger meat . ’
2 Judge Richard May told Mills ’ to drive in that way when she tried to stop you and knock her down and run her over was callous behaviour beyong belief . ’
3 Now put her down and let her run about .
4 But I want to scream and scream and smack her stupid face away , just wipe her out and have my things to myself .
5 Get her up and going , .
6 After dropping off Rolls-Royce 's chauffeur at the station I fill her up and cruise home down the M3 , pile in the family and take for Sealink at Southampton .
7 ring her up and have a word with her and she 'll probably send you a copy of the letter she sent she should have done that .
8 Ring her up and enjoy the freedom of conversation .
9 Well ring her up and see .
10 He often fought with his younger sister aged 3 years , he would snatch her toys , push her over and ride his car into her .
11 Pick her up and hold her until she calms down ?
12 Pick her up and hold her ?
13 Jezrael felt the Company 's muscle-men pick her up and cart her away .
14 Here we 're on two till six and as the old man come and pick her up and drop her off at the bingo .
15 She 's not comi oh what do you want me to do , pick her up and carry her over to the house ?
16 ‘ So they pick her up and rape her … ’
17 Sit her down and tell her exactly what her job is , set the targets and what you expect her to achieve .
18 I 'd fetch her home , clean her up , straighten her out and take care of her for as long as she 'd let me , but the call of the wild was strong and after a few days of sleeping on the couch , she 'd vanish again .
19 " So I was , sir , but I thought my bride had better see something of what 's goin' on in town before I take her back and bury her on the Moor .
20 We take her in and try to comfort her , but she just pines .
21 Phone her up and think that 's not Vera I 'm talking to .
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