Example sentences of "[vb base] back to [art] point " in BNC.

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1 And er that puts some obligation on Notts next week and then er in December to do well when they 're in Italy erm also an obligation to do well now , but bu get back to the point I 'm trying make .
2 And then we go back to the point which Mr Cunnane wanted to raise and they 've had their lunchtime discussions , see whether you 've come to a some form of agreement or resolution on that .
3 But again come back to the point that consistently troubles me , which is the degree of the totality of the demands that we would place on those that we have quite strong political disagreements with , before we 're prepared to enter into an alliance with those women and with the Labour Movement or other organisations .
4 tourism in West Sussex I mean what would happen to that is just one example er on a broader level , the County Council is working with the European regions to promote West Sussex in Europe and what would happen to that , the only conclusion we could draw is that these policies would crumble and to er seriously affect West Sussex and finally I come back to the point that , that I will keep making , if I ever get the opportunity , namely the cost of this exercise .
5 And so it seems to me that what has got to be proven , and I come back to the point , is that something has changed and we have n't heard anything that has changed er in in that time .
6 Now that 's something that erm particularly that last point , that audit committees that are established in most efficient companies want to look at and I come back to the point that audit ought to be looked at as something that assists companies in efficiency as well as a mechanism for detecting fraud and yet the government does n't appear to be examining that .
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