Example sentences of "[vb base] back into [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then , as one , they slink back into the darkness , seeking privacy and safety in the womb of the undercut .
2 I take a deep breath and head back into the eye of the storm , careening down side-streets when police barricades and fire hoses block the main avenues .
3 Descend and head back into the forest going south-west then south to post 21 .
4 Where they do not exist it can be presumed that either the genuine silver-gilt coronet was used at the funeral and then put back into the strongroom after the funeral , or they have disintegrated .
5 The dormice are weighed and then put back into the nest .
6 What we have is nine thousand pounds put back into the employment development fund still leaving a cut .
7 NO DRAUGHT COWL Prevent downdraught from blowing smoke back into the room with the new Eurocowl .
8 With any luck I 'd have time to dry my hair and dive back into the satin whatsits before he arrived .
9 Defeat in the final second had , in all probability , pushed the Courage title back into the grasp of Bath , England 's leading club .
10 Sabrina watched him disappear back into the booth .
11 You will be able to see the lush green streamer weed swaying in the current , and if you look carefully , letting your eyes adjust to the movement of the current and weed , preferably with the use of polaroid spectacles , you may see one or more black shapes that suddenly emerge from under the green ribbon , hover for a few seconds in the open water and then just as suddenly disappear back into the weed .
12 We disappear back into the forest .
13 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what measures his Department has introduced to help mature women get back into the work force .
14 It had been a few years since I 'd ridden a bike but it 's like sex , providing you do n't fall off , you soon get back into the swing of it .
15 ‘ Well , do n't start till I get back into the audience , ’ he commanded .
16 Get back into the rock — you must n't stay here ! ’
17 and what we 're trying to do is plough whatever we get back into the group
18 The trick was then to get the newly-formed zygote back into the mother so it could attach to the inside of the womb and develop normally . ’
19 Always young women , they recline and modestly turn their faces into their arms which are raised around their heads , so that their graceful , elongated bodies are presented as objects to be looked upon without the discomfort of a confronting stare back into the viewer 's gaze .
20 On the other hand , it might be seen as an opportunity to enhance family life by the more equal opportunities offered to women to take up employment , as well as bringing up a family ; or by the enriched experiences children bring back into the family as a result of their attendance at nursery school or playgroup .
21 Pour back into the saucepan and reheat gently .
22 Sabrina asked , trying to bring Marcel back into the conversation .
23 The novelist and his wife cross themselves again and turn back into the night .
24 Moving from the present backwards in time implies that one can , with patience , go back into a patient 's past medical history correcting successive imbalances — rather like peeling an onion layer by layer — until the original , deeply submerged imbalance is uncovered and corrected .
25 Of course , the challenge is when people who are sensitised to their own attitudes go back into a work or social setting where people are not .
26 I turn round and go back into the station .
27 That 's right yeah , aye if you go back into the system where they had at Blackpool where er Reginald Dixon used to play
28 Yes , he thought , tomorrow , he would pay the chaplain to sing one last Mass for his fallen comrades then go back into the city and request from his superiors some mission or task well away from this benighted fortress .
29 ‘ But the difference now is that the profits go back into the game and the WRU are to be congratulated on their decisions to tap in to the funds that are available . ’
30 I do n't want to ring the bell on myself and go back into the classroom just yet . ’
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