Example sentences of "[vb base] up [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So , always warm up thoroughly and remember , once you have an injury , pressing on only causes further damage .
2 they know they can say what they want up there and get away with it
3 Through the archway she saw Fernand jump down , open the door of the shed , then climb up again and drive in .
4 A common complaint from people who have not been taught properly is often : ‘ I could get the sail up alright and sail a little , but I could n't turn round and come back . ’
5 Well , you wo n't all fit in there , so park up opposite and come on in .
6 The tiny bubbles , stirred by her breath , foam up briefly and dissolve .
7 I always hang up promptly and go out for a nice cup of coffee to cheer myself up .
8 Well jump up here and try and get one .
9 ‘ I mean stand up slowly and make yer way to the back shop and we can all have a wee chat .
10 Stand up straight and stop that bloody twitching . ’
11 Stand up straight and show respect to your superiors — or you will feel the irons of An Dap about your ankles again ! "
12 Fingertips on sides of head , sit up slowly and lie back .
13 Sit up now and eat it .
14 People would get up , go to the opposite end of the room , jig about , go back to their seat ( or , better still , someone else 's ) , get up again and jog round the perimeter of the hall .
15 , aha , just basically I mean how do you find working and , you know rearing children , bringing up a family , and doing your housework , do you , how do you organize it , do you find that you get up early and do work in the morning , will you do a bit of work when you go home or , does your partner help out with the work ?
16 go on then get up there and unlock the door
17 ‘ Sacco , you get up there and take those keys out , ’ said Dorcas .
18 If you want his exact words , he said ‘ Get up there and make bloody nuisances of yourselves until I tell you to come down ’ . ’
19 Get up there and visit all the realtors who have offices in those towns .
20 I think , you know , get up there and stick to the structure
21 Charlotte we 're all trying to talk , get up there and sing if you want to sing .
22 If you have n't done this route , then no matter at what grade you climb , get up there and do it .
23 the discipline of your parents to say get up there and do something have you ?
24 so if I get up there and do it early in the morning , well it do n't get light till half seven
25 ‘ Just get up there and fend them off , ’ he said .
26 If you would like advice on the correct way to pack and protect the items you post , read the leaflet Wrap up Well or ask your Customer Care Unit .
27 And at night — because the men have their own separate lodging — they curl up together and go to sleep .
28 ‘ You 've got two alternatives , ’ the officer bellowed at them , 'either you stay up here and get gangrene — or you go down south and have your legs sliced off . ’
29 I 'll get rid of my man , and you stay up here and create a diversion if anyone appears before I 'm in the clear .
30 As Melody put it to Seb when they were discussing the matter for the umpteenth time at the farm , ‘ You go up there and try to tell 'em Anna should n't be marrying Nahum Plunkett and they 'll tear you to pieces and feed you to the dogs . ’
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