Example sentences of "[vb base] as if they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And you do n't fall asleep , as you are inclined to do if you try to be an absorbent sponge , soaking in what the authors say as if they had the last word .
2 Any absences that you 've had erm for sickness full or half pay actually count in full for in these calculations as do erm any maternity leave absence you know providing you were actually receiving pay that 's half pay or more then those absences count as if they have n't actually occurred .
3 The Experience consists of four young men who look , talk and act as if they 've grown up in good families , graduated from decent schools , and dress as if they shop at just the right places — Paul Smith , say , or Emporio Armani .
4 The term ‘ gouger ’ is flexible in that it refers to known criminals as well as others who look or act as if they have a potential for crime and trouble .
5 Donkeys are not natural enthusiasts ; they walk as if they have arthritis .
6 Bon Jovi never did dirty their songs with real spunk , anger or despair , on in fact any emotion that was n't packaged up in stadium size , third-hand slogans with melodies so open and bare they sound as if they 've caught sunstroke in the New Jersey heat , and nothing 's changed .
7 The 18th-century mountain traveller John Macculloch described Sutherlands as containing ‘ mountains which seem as if they had tumbled from the clouds , having nothing to do with the country or each other . ’
8 There are a few like myself , who look as if they wished they were n't there , and would like to get the whole thing over as quickly as possible .
9 ‘ They sometimes look as if they 've fallen off the back of a lorry . ’
10 Most of the flowerbeds that look as if they 've been there forever were in fact made after Peter 's death .
11 The graphics look as if they 've been ported directly across from a Spectrum .
12 He and Jake always look as if they 've got one skin less than other people , Ruth thought .
13 you know , sometimes people , sort of , look as if they 've just got out of bed !
14 but , sort of like er , erm its like so , some of those paintings of the wraps and beautiful boat , they look as if they 've just been photographed , they looked as if they 're a photograph not a oil , oil painting .
15 And er video camera and lighting among them and er they look as if they 've been in place for hours .
16 These small rows of houses look as if they had been dumped down like baggage on a railway platform while the owner goes for a sandwich .
17 They look as if they need it . ’
18 Living things do not disobey these physical laws — but they look as if they do .
19 The leeches look as if they have the faces of the bodies they have burst from , and they are capable of rearing up and attacking with a cluster of teeth around a central sucker .
20 The walls look as if they have been fire-blasted , and there is a smell of sulphur hanging in the room , with faint wisps of smoke .
21 Some of the commercially available plastic sunflower-seed feeders look as if they have been designed by someone made redundant from the spaceship industry , but they do keep the seed dry and let you see when to refill .
22 Even tin — imagine , just imagine , my dear and most esteemed Advocate , one of those medical illustrations , those écorché figures showing the skeins of muscle , the ropes of veins , in three dimensions , and then transmuted into metal , so that the tissues and channels and ducts and gristle ’ — the speaker 's hands traced intricate forms in the air in his morbid enthusiasm — ‘ look as if they have been made out of silver wire . ’
23 Then there are some pathetic , weedy looking swots , inadequately equipped and unsuitably dressed , in gaberdine raincoats and Oxford shoes , unwieldy packs all done up with string , who look as if they have never walked farther than a hundred yards at any time in their lives .
24 In the place of the marble fantasies they tore down , the British erected some of the most crushingly ugly buildings ever thrown up by the British Empire — a set of barracks that look as if they have been modelled on Wormwood Scrubs .
25 None of your so-called friends look as if they have exactly been renowned for their brains , do they ? ’
26 When we have breakfast , on the 8th floor , we can look down on the river , and watch all the river traffic , including large passenger vessels , big merchant ships belching smoke , strings of wooden barges , and big and small old-fashioned junks , which look as if they have been sailing for a 100 years at least .
27 Everyone else , including the screws and the pigs , they all talk as if they 've just learned how .
28 Women no longer talk so explicitly about men as distant providers who should be obeyed and serviced , but many women often talk as if they do n't expect much better .
29 Sometimes my tears are so hot they feel as if they 've been baking inside me , sometimes they feel bigger and wetter , sometimes rather lighter and not so salty .
30 They feel estranged ; they feel as if they do n't belong ; they can not identify .
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