Example sentences of "[vb base] with [pron] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I sleep with my father and brother .
2 Here it is sufficient to say that , disagree with their particularities as one may , they present a good working model of sexual development and one which it is hard not to accept in its essentials .
3 In contrast , Skinner regards language as part of the process by which human beings interact with their environment and this points to the relations between utterances and their environmental effects as the natural focus for research activity .
4 We can apply this thinking to organisations and look at how they interact with their environment and with other organisations .
5 Throughout the book Eccleshall demonstrates an impressive authority and ease with his sources as he ransacks 300 years of Conservative thought to discover the meaning of Conservatism .
6 If drinkers smoke with their wine or beer , the cold tonic will not work .
7 Imagine with me Chairman if you will the thoughts of someone trapped by some misfortune in the midst of the wreckage of a road traffic accident on the M 1 motorway Southbound between junctions twenty one and twenty that 's at Nutterworth or Northbound between twenty one and twenty two or Westbound on the M 69 they 'll be thinking the fire brigade 'll be here in a minute or two .
8 Better still , stop with your son and you wo n't be able to feed each other fags in a crisis , ’ I suggested .
9 Erm first of all if I may just er point out that the example I put with my paper that I have submitted today , and I thank you for the er indulgence in allowing me to produce it so late , was simply that there was one particular appeal of decision where an inspector remarked particularly on the lack of a local or a development plan policy relating to generally relating to the countryside .
10 They speak with their fingers and make disgusting noises .
11 Scorpions are carnivorous and feed mainly on insects which they catch with their claws and then kill by stinging .
12 Lucy screamed and tried to protect her head and face with her arms while Silas sprang across the room and dragged Doreen from her .
13 Well I was allowing you time with your leg but we thought you 've got the telly on loud .
14 I mean there 's the argument I know people vary with their opinions but is it more productive on a Saturday ?
15 Stand with your legs and feet a I comfortable distance apart .
16 Stand with your legs and feet a comfortable distance apart .
17 Other young people vote with their feet and leave early by failing to turn up during their last year , and sometimes their last two years at school .
18 ‘ The only way we can know that people want to see the Fun Factory becoming a success is if they vote with their feet and come to a meeting to show their support . ’
19 Nevertheless , we need to bear in mind that children bring with them expectations and prejudices derived from previous experience in and out of school .
20 The companies also bring with them maintenance and support billings worth some £3m a year .
21 The companies also bring with them maintenance and support billings worth some £3m a year .
22 How we re serve our members , communicate with our members and ask ourselves the question , do we give them what they want ?
23 Demonstrators sit with their Mums and the good ones are patted on the back and encouraged .
24 Most modern gliders have their main wheel well ahead of the c.g. and sit with their tail-skid or tail-wheel firmly on the ground .
25 Sit with your feet and legs apart — do not over-extend the distance — it defeats the purpose of the exercise and you will find you wo n't be able to walk properly the next day !
26 Then , you get that booklet and then you come and sit with your managers and you discuss it .
27 The young remain with their mother until a new baby is born , after which they wander further and further away until the parental bond breaks down completely .
28 Lots of children visit with their school or other organisation and they can get talks and information on specific topics , also being able to handle some of the smaller animals .
29 To my eyes it looks like the pattern , though I know with my head that it 's the background .
30 I plead with our commissioners and their counterparts in the Roman Catholic side to concentrate on this issue and not to dally for this I believe is the golden key to that greater , completer , richer and more effective church that is surely coming under God .
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