Example sentences of "[vb base] that there [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 All these suggest that there has been some degree of real tooth loss in these predator assemblages due to digestion , and since this loss is also accompanied by loss of bone , it is considered that this is the most extreme degree of breakage in these comparisons .
2 Data are not very adequate but they suggest that there has been a reduction of inequalities in this area even though the advantages of the non-manual over the manual groups are still substantial today .
3 The trends observed by analysis of Table 3 suggest that there has been a steady growth in research on Scottish geology , but that there have been differences in growth rates between universities over the time interval .
4 Writers in this tradition emphasize that there has been an historical change in the cultural and social meaning of the term ‘ family ’ over time , so that it has come to mean essentially the unit based on marriage and parenthood , with a secondary role only accorded to other kin relationships .
5 Well and he wrote me this letter saying erm saying I , I realise that there 's been something on your mind recently and I hope you can talk to me about it .
6 Joanne and Keith Powell of the George , Ash Vale are behind the event and they say that there 's been a lot of interest so far .
7 The problem is that until such time as a particular expert system is used by a sufficient number of practitioners ( sufficient to be classed as a responsible body ) , anyone using an expert system is taking a chance should the advice turn out to be wrong although it must be stressed that the fact that advice is wrong does not inevitably and conclusively mean that there has been negligence .
8 And if prosecutors conclude that there has been fraud — as is alleged in the case of the Gooda Walker syndicates — the pressure for Lloyd 's to foot the bill centrally will intensify .
9 These data show that there has been a posterior transformation of the trigeminal territory to a facial/vestibuloacoustic identity , and illustrates that retinoic acid induces changes in Hox-B1 expression that lead to the duplication of the r4/5 patterns in r2/3 without changing the normal r4/5 domains .
10 Fothergill and Gudgin ( 1979 ) , in a study of manufacturing in the UK between 1959 and 1975 , show that there has been rapid expansion in rural areas , while Spence et al .
11 Moreover , the available data on personal savings show that there has been a rise rather than a fall during the 1970s when taxation rates were higher than at any time before .
12 These show that there has been a gradual improvement in girls ' performance in mathematics relative to that of boys .
13 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that there have been no leakages of radioactive material in any of the convoys travelling to and from the establishment at Burghfield in my constituency ?
14 We fully accept that there have been changes in technique during this time , as described earlier , and as table 1 shows , in all sutured ileoanal anastomosis some form of mucosectomy was performed .
15 Not only that , if we accept that there has been a divorce between ownership and control in the typical large company , then management has escaped effective shareholder supervision and hence possesses a broad discretion as to the ends for which the company 's power shall be used .
16 I accept that there has been a steady concentration of power in the hands of large , sophisticated and diversified publishing companies , yet it is still possible for you or me to set up on our own , and publish highly professional and innovative books from our own back bedroom at very little cost .
17 The third point which has come out in a number erm of comments , certainly from the C P R E is the issue of overshoots in the approved structure plan in respect to Greater York , and as we made clear in paragraph eight of our er erm position statement , we accept that there has been in numeric terms in the period eighty one to ninety two something like fifteen percent overshoot in terms of completions er in that period .
18 No it is n't , it is n't gon na away but when you go back to these figures we 've actually been working , if you wo if you accept that there 's been , there 's no change in our situation apart from auto-offs and units
19 If , over the years , you suspect that there has been a swing to or away from attending more than once a Sunday , you may want to take the trouble of further refining your data .
20 And the the policy now with is that this will ta now take place I know that there 's been somebody here for the last three years , but this will now take place every two years .
21 And er and although it nobody could ever say that the union was politically motivated er it it 's strange to relate that at union meeting when the general strike started and we of course we were n't in the T U C we were too small anyway , although I know that there 's been unions with twenty eight members in the T U C now .
22 I know that there have been improvements , but as I represent part of the country where the climate is meteorologically colder , I know that there is a great deal of scope of increases in the support that we provide for heating allowances for our elderly population .
23 Toby continued : ‘ As for this Harley business , we now know that there has been a closer relationship between Martinez and Jefferson over the years than the normal one of agent and manufacturer .
24 For if their own equilibrium price rises by 10 per cent and the average of all other prices rises by 10 per cent too , then they will not increase output because they know that there has been no increase in the relative price of the good on their island .
25 I know that there has been a problem with beef in Moscow .
26 I know that there has been discussion in the House of Lords , but that makes the offence worse .
27 We all know that there has been a green revolution .
28 Then they hear that there has been a request to adopt the baby , John David , from Judith 's mother , Cynthia .
29 The bedding is cut by a set of conjugate minor normal faults striking east-west that indicate that there has been vertical shortening and/or north-south extension in the plane of the bedding .
30 But the figures in both groups indicate that there has been no decrease in housewor k time over this period .
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