Example sentences of "[vb base] that she [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I expect that she knew too .
2 At 5 p.m. a staff nurse joined Miss T. and her mother and Miss T. told the staff nurse that she did not want a blood transfusion , that she used to be a Jehovah 's Witness and that she still maintained some beliefs .
3 No she said I 've got the second biggest co cock I mean that she 'd ever seen .
4 One woman was so mean that she turned out all the lights immediately they got into their bedroom .
5 It would , she felt , atone for the things she had said and mean that she did not have to talk to Julia about them .
6 Her sympathy for Mrs Wallington helped her to ignore the realisation that it was an enormous relief to be away from Anthony and with people who produced an atmosphere of such calm and ease that she felt immediately at home with them .
7 In Franklin 's draft , she had deduced that the phosphate groups of the backbone lay on the outside , and the bases on the inside , of the double helix ; and her notebooks show that she had already formed the notion of base interchangeability .
8 Ellen 's father , Jack , had greeted his daughter with the testily expressed hope that she had not left the safe position at the royal castle that he had gone to considerable trouble to obtain for her .
9 Finding no way other than the direct question , he put it , and watched Yeo , unruffled , confirm that she had indeed put up £100,000 .
10 And he says on the US TV show Hard Copy that she did not drown but suffocated .
11 I am still dreaming of the white cotton lace bedspread that I have always promised to knit for my ‘ best friend ’ because I know that she had always wanted one .
12 Choosing to turn a blind eye to the unlikely drama that was unfolding a few feet in front of her , she merely expressed her gratitude for the imitation topaz bangle that she 'd just unwrapped , before turning on her heels and heading downstairs to catch the special seasonal episode of Crossroads .
13 Her knowledge of Samoa was based upon what a group of adolescent girls thr told her , through an interpreter , and what can only be called , er , chit-chat and gossip that she picked up from missionaries ' wives and people like this .
14 Strange as it seems , I believe that she had not done so for many years .
15 I believe that she did so because a private notice question had already been accepted by Mr. Speaker .
16 If only he knew that looking after his dogs had made her feel that she had just the smallest stake in his life , that it had in some measure comforted her for his absence .
17 Erm , she established the objective , not autocratically , but democratically , erm , there were all sorts , the resources available , what we have , yes , that 's not a problem , but the , at the same time , the rest of the group went to establishing the objective , and there was a lot of over-talking by people , and I feel that she did n't control it and say , look this is what we 're going to do now .
18 Reproach mingled with anger — anger that she did not wait , anger that another man should so easily have taken the woman he loved , anger that she should be heavy with another man 's child .
19 She failed him as a great ‘ silver ’ power , as a naval power at Trafalgar , and by 1807 her domestic polities were so confused by court intrigue that she appeared scarcely a reliable political ally .
20 The short answer to that is I think that she had not forfeited her right to be maintained by her husband by being in desertion : she had only suspended her right and not destroyed it .
21 But then when you think that she did actually bite Mason !
22 But her best-known theatre role in the city has to be as Shirley Valentine , the acclaimed Willy Russell play that she took all over the country four years ago .
23 Sometimes I wonder that she did n't collapse under the sheer weight of how much we needed her , of how unreasonably we all admired and needed her .
24 ‘ They both insist that there was no way in which their hostess could have been poisoned before their very eyes — and both the parlourmaid and the cook swear that she did n't take anything afterwards .
25 Experience that she had once accepted as belonging only to the dream-world of the cinema screen , really existed , was to be grasped at the cost of a little determination .
26 If you read her diaries you discover that she travelled incessantly on trains and overnight trains so that she could speak at meetings the next morning .
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