Example sentences of "[vb base] that [noun prp] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After that , Jimmy , I suggest that Theodore has a drink , snack and snooze in that order . ’
2 The most recent estimates suggest that Britain has a population of about 250,000 adult badgers and 105,000 cubs .
3 And suggest that Anthony gets a modem for his next birthday so 's he can join too ?
4 Others say that Tethlis grasped the Sword of Khaine and that it writhed in his grip and started to come free , and that the king was cut down by his own bodyguard who feared the consequences of Aenarion 's fatal weapon being unleashed once more upon the world .
5 In technical terms we say that Socinus rejected the ‘ forensic ’ idea of salvation .
6 However , other friends of the Yorks say that Andrew became a willing player in the charade .
7 In a careful analysis of NAEP 's attitudes and possibilities for action , Greenbaum et al say that NAEP has a muddled policy and they conclude : ‘ its only really feasible potential — conceptually , economically , and politically — is that of description ’ .
8 British audio experts are suspicious of the design theory but acknowledge that NAD has a good track record for making inexpensive products that sound good .
9 Spanish officials in Brussels insist that Spain has a right to increase emissions because its current rate is lower than most EC countries .
10 Thus to those conservatives who , arguing against the ordination of women , contend that Jesus ordained no ‘ priestesses ’ , it must be said that neither did he ordain any priests !
11 I fear that d'Agrate had an inflated opinion of his worth !
12 This does not , of course , mean that Marx avoided the problems of class and the class struggle .
13 The reforms , taken together with the earlier tighter financial controls , mean that Bristol enters the '90s with its management and other structures in a new and improved state .
14 The report , by researchers at Glasgow University 's Centre for Housing Research , was based on a study of nineteen BES companies in Scotland and the authors conclude that BES entails a misdirection of public resources which would be better employed as direct payments to housing associations .
15 The latest Home Office figures show that Kent has the highest cautioning rate in the country .
16 But Mr Congdon 's figures and those of the OECD show that Britain has the opportunity to become one of the the lowest-taxed nations in the OECD .
17 Contemporary miniatures show that Dara bore a striking resemblance to his father ; he had the same deep-set almond eyes , the same straight , narrow nose and long , full beard , although in some pictures he appears to have been slightly darker and more petite than Shah Jehan .
18 ‘ Indeed these digs reveal that Macedonians worshipped the same gods and practise the same rites as the Greeks ’ .
19 There was only one thing to do — brazen it out , and hope that Howard found the facts too ridiculous to believe .
20 Imagine that Smith obtains a score of 20 correct responses at the left ear and 30 correct at the right ear .
21 Imagine that John throws a ball at a window and the window breaks .
22 Then if we go on a step further and consider that Paul says the wife 's body does not belong to her alone , that means the husband must have some authority to move the limbs around in various patterns .
23 ‘ I read that Malcolm had a plan , so I just let him get on with it .
24 I appreciate that scientists may believe our characteristics and tendencies are passed on by genetic inheritance ; I accept that Jung favoured the concept of an ancestral ‘ memory bank ’ to which we are all capable of tuning in .
25 Does the Secretary of State accept that Britain has the most cost efficient coal industry in Europe , producing the cheapest coal , and that if it were in any one of the other 11 European countries there would be no question of its further contraction at this time ?
26 But they add that Washington knows the Senate will be a difficult obstacle to overcome .
27 I vote that Mark has a word with him .
28 For a town of this rank it seems almost incredible until we recall that Walsingham enjoyed a lucrative tourist trade as far and away the most popular resort of pilgrimage , the shrine alone deriving an income of £250 a year from the pious offerings of the faithful , compared with the meagre £36 to which that of St Thomas at Canterbury had by then shrunk .
29 I know that Basil saw no simple future at the end of human life because we talked of this last summer ; neither can I. But I do believe that we live in a world whose climate of thought and feeling is created by human beings , many of whom have lived before us , often but little recognised .
30 We know that Britain ended the 1940s with a Labour government , a National Health Service , a Keynesian Treasury and an economy that was capable of delivering the magic triumvirate of full employment , low inflation and economic growth .
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