Example sentences of "[vb base] been [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Er , that 's alright , let's behave ourselves , I says what about us , we 've been here since quarter to ten waiting for you to come .
2 Well I , I 've been on to world wom women 's committee and they assure me that they , the hospital says these tests should come through in a week , at the most three week 's , but you can phone them , so that certainly has improved , there does n't seem to be a back log .
3 I could easily have been overawed , I 've been thoroughly on edge all week .
4 I 've been up to church .
5 I 've been up since quarter to five .
6 During the time that you 've been away from work you have certainly not been ‘ not working ’ — you have undertaken a whole host of activities which happen to have been unpaid .
7 In terms of erm , return to work , er , we also er have been very good , I think , in the sense that we now offer the twenty-five per cent bonus er , after pregnancy , do n't get me wrong on that , er , what happens is , people are actually recompensed , given back the money which they 've sacrificed because they 've been away from work for six months , and they get is back over the next two years .
8 I mean to our children , although they 've been away from Butchwana for quite a few years now it 's still home
9 They 've been around along time , however , and there are those , Gavin Friday included , who would put their meandering career down to a Dublin penchant for beer , bars and general untogetherness .
10 And I 've been there since Alpha and I every year I 've looked out and watched the form twos .
11 Since I 've been back at work , life has been just great .
12 So you 've been , you 've been back at school since I saw you last , and you 've just
13 When , when they 've been down , and they 've been back to school , they 've sent me a collections of drawings and nice little notes about it , and we 've come firm friends because first they look at me , on me as the pond woman , oh , they saw me on television getting my award , and erm they thought that was rather wonderful , and so we , we , we talk and now the , the first ones have quite grown up .
14 ‘ And very careful they 've been too about period detail , Dr Cameron . ’
15 With any luck my father would n't call me for the milking too early ; he generally does n't when I 've been out on patrol the night before .
16 And it comes to the first of August , and Graham gets his car , his new X J S , and I get my new Lada , and we 've been out at midnight doing all this , but we come to the branch in the morning , and he parks his X J S there , and I park my Lada next to it .
17 ‘ Women lose confidence being out of the labour market , men tend to lose confidence if they 've been out of work ’ , says Michaels .
18 ‘ I 'm very disappointed because I 've been out of work since returning from the tour last summer and this contract meant security for my family . ’
19 I 've been out of work six months .
20 I 've been out of work six months .
21 I 've gone down hill since then , but she said you know these folks are hard when you 've been out of work for a long while , you 've got ta just get back up and fight again , I said , she said and I know how hard that is , but she said you know , if you can get it going and fit and get in , so
22 but you got to have been out of work six months , so I said well I 've been out of work six months , so she , I 've got that to do tomorrow , so I get up the firm this Spinny Hill , Northampton , that 's an adult education centre where you can go and learn the skills of your trade , but she said that might not start until September
23 Like no way I 've been out of work for a few months
24 ‘ We 've been out of touch for a few days now .
25 You 've had your heart attack , you 've been out of action for three months and yet , when you talk to people , when the pollsters go out with their clipboards , they say , Who do you think is most likely apart from the Prime Minister , to lead the Tory party ?
26 and I thought well I 'm not gon na eat them now they 've been out of bag , so I thought oh I 'll boil them up for dog
27 No matter what Bob says or Harry or any other member of the Conservative group , and I accept that they 've always been consistent on it the same as the Labour group has always been consistently against the merger I accept that they 've been consistently in favour of a total merger .
28 Bob Shepton says that they sailed the atlantic and have been up to greenland so this was what was left to do …
29 Despite differences of emphasis between different unions , union policies have been overwhelmingly in favour of technological change , while at the same time seeking increased involvement in the process of change to " maximise the benefits and minimise the costs " of such changes .
30 On other occasions committees have been generally in support of government action but have urged that it be undertaken more vigorously : the Defence Committee has been critical of the Ministry of Defence when it has spent less than the sums provided in the annual estimates .
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