Example sentences of "[vb base] we have [verb] our " in BNC.

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1 People in the business say we 've changed our habits .
2 " They say we 've sold our souls to France in return for rice fields over which the crane might fly all morning without encountering barriers .
3 Better call the banns cause we 'd made our
4 hello there … today we 've come east to the far east for our Central South sport … we 're in Nepal with some local pioneers who are setting off on the first ever Kathmandu marathon … before we run we have join our football parade …
5 That 's taken , i i it refers to Pagan festivals that have happened in the past , i i I mean we 've invented our own rituals as well , but based on the May Queen figure .
6 They 're not exactly specialist agencies but they have a great deal of experience and they have a commitment to a certain kind of research , and they have , I mean we 've had our run-ins with them as it were , but they have listened , and they 've supported some of our work as well , and I think that they in time will provide a kind of model as it were for a number of erm perhaps less experienced agencies throughout the world , newly set-up ones , as to how it is possible to do consistently good logical rational work in the face of the chaos that a disaster produces .
7 Over the years , I know we 've had our snags
8 Second test for functional form and there should read , you know we 've logged our data here logging implies there 's a multi picketed relationship between the variable expressed in absolute value , is that the case or is there a linear relationship or some other type of relationship there ?
9 We know we have to win our games in hand , but we can do that on current form .
10 I know we have doubled our support in the last 2 weeks and that 's the way we are going .
11 ‘ We get on very well and make a good team ’ , says Fran , ‘ I know we have found our little niche in life . ’
12 We find we 've left our cheque book at home , or the bank is closed , and we want some cash urgently .
13 But masked first-person narrative turns out to be deflected stream of consciousness — ‘ He was not really afraid ’ will only transpose into ‘ I 'm not really afraid ’ flitting through his head as he passes the landlady 's open kitchen door — so that the past tense collapses into the present , and we find we have put our finger on something pertinent to the novel 's urgency and attack and ( to borrow Andrew Forge 's ugly but useful key-term for late Monet ) its frontality .
14 ‘ I think we 've concluded our business , ’ she told him crisply as she snatched open the driver 's door and climbed into the sun-warmed interior .
15 Old Possum 's Book of Practical Cats having become well known , I think we had called our specimen Leviticus .
16 I think enough has been said regarding this today , in relation to this , I think we have supported our police force , we have a fine police force in this county .
17 ‘ But we think we have spent our money wisely on new signings up to now and wo n't be rushed into anything . ’
18 Do we have to bang our heads on the floor before we understand ?
19 They have made no impression on the Yugoslavian tragedy — so much so that I wish we had developed our own foreign policy towards the future of Yugoslavia in general and to the states of Slovenia and Croatia in particular .
20 And they 've it 's got ta go into Green 's because we 've we 've paid our policy !
21 So if I was to say we 've we 've picked our area , what potential instructions do we have do you think , let's say we 've got a good , quite now , what potential instruction do we have with that particular area , that arena rather ?
22 What my right hon. Friend said on Tuesday is : ’ There will be no VAT increase we have published our spending plans and there is no need for us to raise VAT to meet them . ’
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