Example sentences of "[vb base] for [pers pn] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The future of the capercaillie will depend on how good a habitat we provide for them in our new forests , ’ he said .
2 If I make a black man sweep up my trash , empty my dustbins , wash the vomit from my floor and kill for me in my imperialist wars … well , what do you think ?
3 This is one reason why over one million pensioners who would be entitled to supplementary pension are not claiming , although the benefits are a right , not a charity , and we all pay for them through our taxes .
4 This involves selling more government securities and thereby reducing banks ' reserves when their customers pay for them from their bank accounts .
5 Erm well it depends erm the , the economics of power production are extremely erm er complex and , and t to a certain extent arbitrary erm and erm I mean there , there are various ways that the government can actually get out of this fix because obviously it 's caused a lot of concern to close the , the mines , and one is actually to , to subsidize the mines and put the price on to electricity bills er the other is to subsidize the mines er but pay for it out of the , out of , er out of taxes so it 's a basic , instead of paying for it on your electricity bill , you pay for it on your tax bill , yeah .
6 So the majority of golfers are best advised simply to judge the wind conditions and allow for them in their choice of club and aim .
7 Allow for it in your costs of credit and in your profit margins .
8 Ask for it at your local café , put it in your tea or sprinkle it on your ice-cream any way it 's great ! ’
9 This practice has robbed your rivers of much of its spawning stock to the great detriment of the whole Scottish economy , for wild salmon bring money into the country in many ways and provide direct and indirect employment for many through anglers who fish for them in your rivers .
10 And then they come for him , and then , you come for him in your car
11 But wandering around this town , however delightful , held little charm for her without his company .
12 We pray for them in their studies .
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