Example sentences of "[vb base] it [prep] all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 these be a bit user friendly , cor blimey , just cut it about all things down and put a chocolate strip in , plenty of room in the handle
2 erm , and to use a word that would be used in other areas , retraining goes on , amongst the judiciary or do they just get to this pinnacle , and then hold it against all comers , until they choose to retire , I mean , in any other , er , job where you have a peculiar expertise , like that , you would be expected to update yourself , to keep up with the trends , you would be sent away to conferences , and retraining courses .
3 Always lay the rug on a flat and even surface , and after smoothing it out , carefully view it from all sides to see if there are any ridges or troughs .
4 And even if you 're parking it in your driveway or close to your home , lock and secure it at all times .
5 Labour will modernise the national curriculum and apply it in all schools .
6 Some scholars and politicians opposed to the Supreme Court 's 1973 abortion decision now argue that the Constitution should be understood to leave decisions about abortion to the various states , so that some could permit abortion on demand , others prohibit it in all circumstances , and others adopt intermediate regimes .
7 The Gallery is known as Il salotto di Milano , the ‘ drawing room of Milan ’ , being the traditional meeting place of the Milanese , who use it at all times of day attracted by the city 's best cafés and restaurants , together with a range of fine shops whose windows are dressed by masters in the craft .
8 Spiders use it for all kinds of purposes — making egg-sacs , lining nests , weaving tents for their babies and as safety lines when they jump .
9 ‘ What , and spoil it for all readers with weak chins ? ’
10 They try it on all ways do n't they ?
11 One answer is to cut out a gull in white paper and sketch it from all angles ; at other times you can catch these interesting shapes with a camera .
12 The ghosts who do want to go haunting , do it for all sorts of different reasons .
13 It 's dangerous if you leave it on all night — you can start a fire and that if you ai n't careful .
14 I bought an answering machine — I leave it on all day when I 'm working because it 's quite a foil !
15 As Branson would have been the first to acknowledge , common sense dictated that he avoid it at all costs .
16 Go and see it by all means , but do n't expect too much .
17 Together they create a large nest , operate it smoothly and defend it against all enemies .
18 Its seven thousand spines then defend it in all directions .
19 For clearly one of the principal characteristics of sculpture in the round is that the spectator is able , and is indeed often encouraged or compelled , to walk around it and study it from all angles .
20 This whole scale concept across the entire fretboard is a powerful way of improving your familiarity with the fretboard , although you might not see the full implications of this exercise until you memorise it in all keys .
21 Hem it on all sides and sew ribbon along the edges .
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