Example sentences of "[vb base] in [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Its criminal jurisdiction is , in the sixteenth century , vested in a set of commissioners welcome in practice to be invariably judges of the Common Law Courts .
2 As Barro points out , the only quantity rule which does not carry with it the implication that at times buyers and sellers will , at the price set , trade a quantity of the good they consider in advance to be sub-optimal is a rule which sets output equal to the value it would take in the absence of any unanticipated disturbances ; that is , y n .
3 Horses which have a day off per week and stand in need to be in loose boxes ( stables )
4 The timetable has been organised in such a way that the divisions in the debate — knives as we call them — fall in places that allow the most time in debate to be given to the most contentious issues .
5 Anyone wanting to join has to apply and needs a two-thirds vote in favour to be allowed in , ’ says Mr Smythe , who lives at Green Bank , Heighington , near Darlington .
6 Even the churches , in making reports about Gartcosh , teachers ' pay , inner-city deprivation or whatever , are drawn into this political debate and inevitably they feel in order to be relevant they must offer political and practical solutions .
7 Mothers of young babies want the products they use in babycare to be absolutely " right " ; either ( i ) the product should be well known , widely recognised and easy to understand or ( ii ) it must have the endorsement of authoritative sources .
8 One is whether binary oppositions exist in language to be discovered , or whether they are constructed as a convenient method of analysing language .
9 And that — a learnable correlation — is also the main thing we need in order to be told the truth .
10 All you need in order to be able to take advantage of a low-cost upgrade is a proof of purchase ( registration counts ) which might be the first page of your manual for the product you already have , your sales invoice from the dealer that sold you the product ( a photocopy will do ) , a copy of the setup disk ( they 're serialised , you see ) , or , for Windows , a copy of the invoice for a machine that comes complete with Windows .
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