Example sentences of "[vb base] and [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , New Zealanders ruck and you do n't .
2 We know what we want and we do n't accumulate unnecessary things .
3 Magwitch and I picked up our bags , and said goodbye to Herbert and Startop , so that we would be ready to stop the ship and get on board .
4 This is what happens : you start by wondering whether two people kiss and it leads away into the unknowable .
5 When we say and we 've often said it , well we could do with this , we could do with that like we used to say , we wanted the swimming pool well that cost an awful lot of money !
6 So now we can hear everything they say and we know where they are on the plane ! ’
7 The committee is supposed to prepare reports for the board , but the reports read more like glowing company prospectuses , and there are various discrepancies between what they say and what seems actually to have happened .
8 It was all smell and I do n't know what it was !
9 It 's some animal instinct , I suppose , like the fact that you like the way some people smell and you do n't like others .
10 Jews in another , and then the blacks , and you just think what a shame , if they all mix and you feel like , when I was in erm , working in North London , you had the Turkish and the Jewish people
11 If people are obstructive long enough you listen and you think well , why are these people being obstructive .
12 ‘ For more than four hours Tally and I lounged around in the carry-out , talking , drinking coffee , watching people come and go , watching other hangers-on as they bantered with the waitresses , horsed around among themselves , or danced to the juke-box .
13 So is n't it good for us rather than quibbling , rather than criticizing , and recognizing that we 've all got different abilities and perhaps if you had n't got one of those abilities there , the , the body that it speaks about , you see every part plays a part does n't it on our physical body and so we are in accommodation , we all have a part to play , and that 's the way we , we grow you see and we mature and we become better , able , equipped to go out and tell others , gives us confidence as well if we know what we 're talking about , that way we can learn , so never quibble about assignments and arrangements , never criticize brothers and sisters in the congregation .
14 As soon as I start thinking that I stop and I do n't make any more music like that .
15 The women in the village say , ‘ Poor Elizabeth , she has a lot to put up with , with that big old house and Angharad , and Hywel working so hard on the farm ’ , but their eyes gleam as they speak and they do not like her .
16 How can I say it ? you cough , and then you cough and it goes up ?
17 Her legs shake and she hides away .
18 ‘ I think when we lose people , it 's more upsetting if they just suddenly die and we have n't had the opportunity to do the tending and caring .
19 You only get one chance and then you die and they do n't let you go round again after you 've got the hang of it !
20 When an idiom is just something that has the form of , has a certain apparent grammatical form but actually occurs just as a single unit of a fixed meaning , so it has no genuine semantic structure from which you can determine its meaning , for example kick the bucket means die and you do n't get that in the meaning of kick the bucket .
21 On trying to contact Mr by phone I have on many occasions I was put off to say he was n't available I have also come to the foyer at the bottom asked to see Mr after twenty minutes wait and nobody turned up I decided to retire .
22 Werewolf and I looked suitably impressed .
23 I repeat and he catches on with a flowery ‘ Por favor ’ and a heartfelt ‘ Gracias . ’
24 Heathcliff and I followed behind .
25 " I do n't know what you mean and I do n't want to .
26 I think that 's a good point actually and that maybe target setting is sort of a training that we ought to do with all staff , I mean and I do n't know how much of that comes into this magic three hours .
27 ‘ My friends are people that I trust and I do n't have to put on airs with them — they know me and do n't assume that I 'm a terrific snob if I happen to be very quiet . ’
28 It might help to talk about how you feel with someone you trust and who knows how the system works , for example , someone from a self-help group or an individual health visitor or advisor .
29 For a long moment they lay and she gazed down at him , their eyes locked .
30 ‘ I 'll handle this , ’ said Dad ‘ Look Amy , you mother and I do not have much money .
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