Example sentences of "[vb base] their [noun] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The software 's called ’ Bankchek ’ and its developers say their survey of over 100 small businesses reveals repeated slip-ups by bank staff .
2 They enrich their sole dishes with mussels and shrimps only ; and they cook their fish in locally produced cider , not in expensive white wine imported from other regions .
3 National newspapers cull their stories from all over the country — often , indeed , from all over the world .
4 Is he aware that the best of British companies , such as ICI and Pilkingtons , which already provide their employees with far better conditions than anything that is in the social charter , are increasingly concerned about unfair competition from their sweatshop competitors ?
5 Some plants harbour their scent until late in the day , when it is released in abundance .
6 Using this approach , words gain their meanings through how they are used in context ( by iteration through a training set ) , such that each word in the lexicon implicitly represents all the language-use experiences in which it has so far been involved .
7 Too many negotiations fail because senior people undermine their negotiators by not backing a predetermined final position .
8 That is why speedy eaters , who eat their fill in perhaps ten or fifteen minutes , often feel overfull some minutes after the meal .
9 She then saw the men turn and make their way to where she stood on the veranda , and she knew that Silas had sent them to sign the register .
10 You 're trying to focus attention on the presenter , the person giving the speech or answering the questions and it is a dreadful distraction to have beside and behind him or her numbers of men and women who invariably want to whisper , gesticulate , stare in the wrong direction , scratch their heads , pick their noses or make their exits at completely the wrong moment .
11 It is tempting to fantasise that leaders and parties make their reputations through finely tuned arguments in the House of Commons or speeches in far-flung halls .
12 And since it is generally recognised that managers cost their companies at least three times their annual salary , the scope for cost-saving is enormous .
13 It is now known that information flow from Vl to V4 is segregated in an anatomically discrete channel so that V4 receives input from identifiable subfields of V2 which receive their input from similarly identifiable zones in V1 .
14 as er a little little erm er complement to the people who paid for all this , the London Glassworkers ' Company , we put their arms on there .
15 Parents put their daughters in there to hide them away " from the public eye until the baby was born and adopted .
16 Britons now chomp their way through more than 27,000 tonnes a year — about half a kilo for every man , woman and child .
17 Because they obtain their energy from above , and because water behaves the way it does , there is a tendency for the ocean zones to remain distinct : dark , cold , often almost static waters below ; warm waters floating above .
18 RANGERS , having won the Battle of Britain by beating Leeds to progress to the Champions League , begin their quest to successfully invade Europe against Marseille at Ibrox tonight .
19 With press media , it is possible to spread the same money over a much longer period , especially if monthly magazines are used , since monthlies accumulate their readership of as many as 10 or 11 readers per copy over quite a long period .
20 Explain the advantages this type of tree has over balanced trees , and compare and contrast their performance over as full a range of applications as possible .
21 ‘ But people who know their true worth often do not feel the need to go about asserting it .
22 Because Governments obviously want to timetable their Bills and get their business through as soon as possible .
23 cos people who get their noses in there .
24 Rabbits also betray their presence with freshly excavated soil outside their burrow , but they will still be cautious and elusive at this time .
25 To meet the growing demand for bigger and better bangs they import their fireworks from all over the world .
26 Medau teachers support and direct their classes in much the same way as a conductor does an orchestra — first they perform the movement to feel the accent , shape and dynamics , then begin to communicate with the class through voice , before developing the rhythmic possibilities with claps , clicks , drumbeats , other percussive sounds , improvised piano music or recorded music .
27 Only a little thought will show what a nonsense this is , for , as we have just seen , no two individuals manifest their illnesses in exactly the same way even if they are given the same disease label .
28 It will be seen that many of the disputes between Keynesians and monetarists/new classicals find their origins in quite fundamental prognostic disagreements concerning the response of the labour market to a state of general excess supply .
29 This is not a satisfactory answer because the tuskless females find their food in exactly the same way as the males .
30 Just jot the other people 's names down and then obviously when they 've been they 've said their piece just strike their name through so you do n't go and .
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