Example sentences of "[vb base] into [noun pl] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Since then he has spent , in total , several hours in persuading people to climb into cupboards , clamber into lofts and crawl under stairs and watch carefully as he breaks peppermints in the gloom .
2 Press into corners and repair any cracks .
3 Insteps frequently smash into elbows and need bandaging , but they can be protected by shin or instep pads .
4 Divide dough in 2oz pieces and mould into rounds and place on a baking tray .
5 Cut into segments and add to the melon .
6 Yeah , but were you the sort of people that walk into hospitals and start praying for the sick to be healed .
7 Evenings full of wine rich in body , and food that just ca n't be ignored , inevitably drift into conversations that solve the world 's problems , and tomorrow the sun will shine again and it 's time to shake a leg and enjoy another day .
8 ‘ I want to win the junior at Wembley and be selected for the junior team for Brussels and then go into seniors and win the world championship at seventeen and be selected for the Olympics before I 'm twenty-one . ’
9 Around Christmas people go into shops and break in at night for what they want .
10 Given the chance to try something , they 'll be in such a state that their fingers turn into bananas and confirm to all those pretending to be interested that they are indeed crap !
11 Until the time will come when that enemy in you will win and your yearning for freedom will be only a lie which you turn into dreams that start ‘ if only …
12 In fact it was n't until Anna was here , and we were watching a programme about Romania , that I burst into tears and cried for hours and hours .
13 Remove polystyrene tiles from a kitchen ceiling , they burst into flames and melt , dropping red hot liquid onto anything that is below , and polystyrene also exudes toxic gases .
14 Monocytes pass between adjacent endothelial cells , proliferate , and differentiate into macrophages that take up oxidised LDL through their scavenger receptors .
15 The general attitude of the medical profession is to be highly sceptical , question the benefits , divide into camps and argue bitterly among themselves , and continue scientific testing , surveying and debating for years before becoming convinced .
16 At a time when a good public image is essential for universities , English is unable to explain itself in ways immediately intelligible to the outsider , is notoriously riven with doubts and disagreements that prevent it from having a shared sense of purpose , and may at intervals erupt into crises that attract the wrong sort of publicity .
17 All I can do is transform what I see into words and tell you what 's going on . ’
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