Example sentences of "[vb base] say [conj] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 The application of the reasonableness test is examined in more detail later at Chapter 6 , 2 ; for the present , suffice to say that it is difficult , if not impossible , to predict what clauses will satisfy the reasonableness test , but a clause which appears reasonable is less likely to provoke a challenge than one which appears less reasonable .
2 We need not bother with the details , save to say that it is quite certain that all the contemporary accounts of Balboa 's triumph — which mention that he first saw the Pacific at 10 am on Tuesday , 25 September — are wrong .
3 reply or reply saying that it 's
4 It 's afternoon keep saying that it 's afternoon it 's morning to me this afternoon pick up your phone and give me a ring now O nine O four six four one six four one .
5 Well actually I live just outside Shilton. erm they keep saying that it 's Shilton airfield , actually it 's not on the airfield at all — as you will know , Mr. Hayworth 's got planning permission for a golf course on the airfield — it 's Scrubs Lane , Shilton , and actually they 've already the Council have already turned down two applications for caravan sites there anyway erm because it 's unsuitable and yet they think that they you know that it 's going to be suitable for gipsies to live down there .
6 If the atheist uncovers ‘ His ’ identity , then lo and behold the theists start saying that it is n't God after all .
7 erm its but I think to say that it is n't happening in schools is a bit unfair , because I do think it does happen in many schools erm and but there 's a great deal of work to be done .
8 ‘ They do say that it 's there that thy Robemaker has his Workshops .
9 That means five thousand eight hundred and twenty five pounds which one multiplies by four , giving a total under that schedule of twenty three thousand , three hundred pounds , I regret to say that it is of course inherent in the judgment that I have to deliver that there is a good deal of what
10 The weaknesses are lack of security the time difference that it can bring if there 's lots of replies going backwards and forwards erm it might get mislaid , it might never get read , you do n't know you ca n't be sure that people are actually reading the memo er you do n't know what the reaction of the people is you ca n't go back on what you 've said because it 's on paper er and it lacks that personal touch can be expensive on time , times to you but sorry erm but can be expensive not on time but on materials .
11 This war has another side : I have said that it is a miserable , dirty and very bloody war , but it is also a meaningless war .
12 Victims have said that it is a way of acknowledging that they are worth something — a common psychological problem after being a victim of a serious crime , is a feeling of worthlessness .
13 On a number of occasions you have said that it is your belief that any initiatives being announced by the Government by way of statement are best announced to the House .
14 Will the Secretary of State accept that there are those of us who have never made the point that trust status is about opting out of the national health service , but have said that it is about local accountability and the views of local people ?
15 The prison governors have said that it is too draconian , and the Prison Officers Association has expressed the view that it is an unnecessary knee-jerk reaction to a deeply serious problem .
16 Er whereas the County Council have sought to re to er keep vacancies constant , we have said that it is reasonable to seek to plan to keep second homes etcetera as a constant number but what I would term normal vacancies , can be reasonably be expected to go up to maintain the same proportion .
17 But nevertheless , we have to say that it 's so .
18 Winch 's contention is that to conceive of the relation of an act to the person who acts in terms of the Kantian maxim ‘ acting for the sake of duty ’ is mistaken since ‘ there is no general kind of behaviour of which we have to say that it is good without qualification ’ .
19 Winch 's claim , already referred to , ‘ that there is no general kind of behaviour of which we have to say that it is good without qualification ’ , is relevant here .
20 Unfortunately , I have to say that it is the Cow Gum that is at fault here .
21 ‘ Speaking for the PA , I have to say that it is regrettable that some booksellers feel that the Book Club Regulations have been stretched .
22 think Well that 's ninety , but you need to say that it is ninety because it 's the angle in there .
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