Example sentences of "[vb base] in [det] of the " in BNC.

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1 A stained glass window lights the stairs , his initials in Gothic lettering appear in much of the decoration , and dark woodwork pervades all .
2 Sift in half of the flour with the spice , then mix in half of the fruit and almonds .
3 Sift in half of the flour with the spice , then mix in half of the fruit and almonds .
4 But these findings are also tied in with assertions about social class differences in domesticity which abound in much of the literature dealing with women 's place in the family .
5 Thus , the fact that thin in both of the contexts illustrated above has slender as a synonym could be cited as evidence that it is not ambiguous after all .
6 The pattern of uneven development was thus between growth in the South East and West Midlands of England and decline in much of the rest of the country .
7 He said : ‘ If you look in any of the farming magazines , the majority of the full-page ads are from drug companies .
8 The argument was on the semantics of how post-sixteen education is presently offered in Banbury , and whereas , of course , they had every right to use the opting out legislation as a governing body , it must be said that the possibility of success under those terms erm is somewhat untried , because of course legislation was specifically geared at Local Education Authorities that do not look after their schools , and thus schools are able to opt out of a badly run , inefficient Education Authority , and we 've seen that happen in many of the urban areas in the country , and indeed some schools have not opted for that .
9 Whisk the egg white until stiff , then whisk in half of the sugar .
10 Trivial issues like ‘ factual inaccuracy ’ no longer matter in much of the British press .
11 Now I know in some of the newspapers today it 's been suggested that you would be doing sort of long distance surgery as it were , but that 's not the case ?
12 2 Pour in enough of the stock to just cover the pheasant and season generously .
13 In other words , we look separately at old poor people , old rich people , young poor people and young rich people , and calculate in each of the four groups what proportion would be prepared to break the law .
14 It has been possible for some time to cruise down the Nile , or stay in some of the jewelled and painted palaces of Moghul India , or walk along the Great Wall of China .
15 Share in some of the wealth ! ’
16 Almost half of the poor people actually live in some of the richer areas of Britain .
17 Now we produce erm about half a million or 550,000 units a year , that is not volume in world terms er we acknowledge that we compete in some of the volume sectors , but increasingly as our new products are introduced , we 're very careful to put them in discrete market segments or in niches .
18 Some public library authorities do have subject specialist posts on their staffs , notably in the subject-based reference departments which exist in some of the large metropolitan libraries .
19 Geraniums , including variegated sorts such as ‘ Frank Headley ’ and ‘ Mr Henry Cox ’ , with Helichrysum petiolare or variegated plectranthus thrive in many of the pots standing outside the house .
20 In one form or another these different facets of the modern English concept of marriage reappear in most of the cross-cultural examples which I shall mention later though some of the particular forms may strike you as surprising .
21 Chantries were not limited to the laity ; some of the more senior clergy certainly availed themselves of the system and numerous chantry chapels survive in most of the monastic-foundation cathedrals to abbots and priors .
22 Also , the wild asses from northern Africa survive in some of the hottest places on earth and their bodies are stubbornly stripeless .
23 Women who work in community are particularly at risk , housing wardens and particularly home care assistants , who work in some of the worst inner city areas are very often called out at night to attend someone who has been taken ill and yet no thought is given to the potential danger they could be facing in carrying out their job or what , to or what preventive measures can be taken .
24 Meanwhile , make the dips : place half the soured cream in a small bowl , and stir in most of the chives , reserving a few for garnish .
25 Stir in most of the chopped pepper , reserving some for garnish .
26 The programme aims to give the pupils experience in each of the different categories of PE and is devised to try and provide a progressive experience for every child entering the School .
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