Example sentences of "[vb base] in [noun] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 The clumps of colour grow in size until they become visible and are held together whilst the water evaporates .
2 So we speak English mostly and everybody call me Freddie — or something vorse in Spanish when they do n't think I understand . ’
3 Now if you violate any of the assumptions ordinary squares , right , then the procedure will produce or may produce misleading results , we can only be confident in statistical terms about ordinary leased squares parameters , right , because we know and show in theory that they hold providing a number of assumptions are met , like you have serially uncorrelated errors , right , we do n't have m multi co-linearity amongst the regresses , right , we have constant variance throughout the sample now if any of those er assumptions are breached , violated then our , any statistical results that are generated from erm the technique that assumes that those assumptions have n't been breached erm are invalidated and we can get very misleading er parameter estimates , right , in the presence of auto correlation or multi-linearity erm .
4 Three-year and two-year diploma students should bear these figure in mind so they have some idea of what is going to be involved when they make an application for a further education grant to their local authority .
5 That is why Labour and the Tories stand in areas where they know they will lose their deposits .
6 Like their big relatives the Orcs , Goblins vary in size although they are typically smaller than Orcs and usually smaller than a man .
7 The value of anticipatory mourning has been proved in hospital work , where patients who know in advance that they are going to have an operation which entails the loss of a breast , a testicle or a limb have an opportunity to talk before the operation about their fears and anxieties .
8 Space is limited , however , and members are asked to let the Clerk to the Council ( Les Smith on ext 2584 ) know in advance if they wish to attend .
9 Yes so lots of games for United to play at the moment with the postponements , a lot of mid-week games , a lot of games up here at the Manor , but erm as so often happens with United , after a good performance or a little a good run , they never quite do it at home do they , they never quite kill sides off and they draw in games that they 've played very well as they have done today .
10 It is noteworthy that those who advocate these policies also themselves concede in surveys that they would welcome an increase in the basic rate of tax as well as other tax increases .
11 The chimpanzees , gnawing on the joints , ripping muscles from bone , occasionally squeal in irritation as they squabble , but for the most part , after the excited rushes and the yells of triumph , there is contentment .
12 It mean in fact that they were thinking of abstractions in quite a different way from the way we think of them .
13 Although many bad habits are formed in horses due to anxiety , occasionally bad habits develop in horses where they receive some tangible reward for their actions , like avoiding work or stealing food .
14 Oh , of course the opposite happens in a group , I mean what happens in groups you know therapeutic groups tend to be like this one , they sit in circles and they , they kind of focus on very often on the leader who often plays a very , very powerful role even if they claim not to .
15 In an encounter with a high status role the options are few — they can agree to do as they 're told ( in which case you , the teacher , end up doing all the decision-making ) or they can refuse ; it 's a battle of wits and wills : you remain in control or they overthrow you .
16 Other top officials remain in place because they are elected in their own right , leaving as attorney-general Jim Evans , the Democrat who brought the case against Mr Hunt , and as state treasurer George Wallace Jnr , scion of his house .
17 Suppose in fact that they can only estimate accurately the total and average cost of the output level the firm is currently producing .
18 People who only believe in things when they know what they are made of will feel uneasy .
19 One persistent question that intrigued those working on this study during the past four years was , ‘ Why do small farmers continue in agriculture when they achieve such small financial rewards for considerable expenditure of effort ? ’
20 It 's only the inefficient producers that support their agricultures , because it 's those inefficient producers that need support , erm , so , in the , in the long run , world supply , world supply will contract , but in the short run , you know , farmers in these er , efficient countries of the world may well erm , continue in production because they may , may be able to cut their average variable costs , it 's only when in , in the long run , you know , providing farmers can cover their average variable costs , they 'll continue in production in the short run .
21 ‘ They 've got nowhere top go in life and they look at someone like me who has sort of got the world at her feet and they are probably as jealous as hell . ’
22 Likewise , on the bottom of the wind circle , the winds decrease in speed because they are blowing against the flow of the storm 's tracking momentum .
23 I rather pity the young who live in London because they must be having a particularly difficult time .
24 All the previous week Kidd had exhorted his forwards to concentrate on winning the battle up front and not simply live in hope that they could gain a few crumbs and hope their more skilful backs would steal a march on Shannon .
25 Mr and Mrs Coombs live in Dorset and they would very much like to sell off some of their land for building .
26 Over two-thirds of people live in homes that they own , 10 million people own shares , 6 million of them in newly-privatised industries .
27 It really in fact they do that more I think in estates than they do the other
28 ( If they sound a little harassed , please bear in mind that they are new to the system and so may take a little longer to respond in the first few weeks of live running . )
29 People fail in negotiations because they are frightened of the consequences of saying " No " .
30 It therefore seemed better that the JACs and SCCs co-operate in order that they would at least be in a position to provide after-care supervision .
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