Example sentences of "[vb base] a [noun sg] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Place a serving plate over the top of the terrine , invert it and give the top a tap .
2 If wild animals have access to your garden you may need to prevent them trying to dig up your pet 's body ; make sure that the grave is as deep as possible and perhaps place a paving slab over it .
3 They offended some of the more straight-laced among the constructors — people who might have been more inclined to help the Fittipaldis if they kept better company — and generally put a question mark over the Fittipaldi team : how it was surviving , with whose backing , by what means .
4 Why do n't you just cut it all up and put a curry sauce over it ?
5 We put a marker buoy over the site and a pair of divers went over the side to investigate .
6 Hold a knife blade over the housing and it goes all over the place , proving the point .
7 United have now taken just three points from a possible 12 and manager Alex Ferguson 's only consolation is that the defeat of rivals Aston Villa at Carrow Road means it is now Norwich who hold a twopoint advantage over them as they go into the last seven games .
8 Place the meat on one half of the pastry and run a lattice cutter over the other half to within 5mm/¼in of the pastry edges .
9 If you do n't have a propagator or frame , root cuttings in a pot on the windowsill , but pop a polythene bag over the top .
10 A temporary solution is to enlarge the pinhole , empty out the water and tie a plastic bag over the ball .
11 I usually make a tape hood over the static vents to allow them to breathe without letting water droplets get into the tubes .
12 Now you do n't have to rely on this , because you can ring through to head office in the evening , or you can ring through your branch while that 's open , and get a computer quote over the phone , but actually find it quite useful if somebody asks me to be able to give them an idea of how much it 's going to cost them .
13 So I map out a route over familiar country near home which takes in some old hedges and one-time mushroom pastures , hoist a gathering bag over my shoulder — and then curse the fact that the mid-October day that I have carefully planned for this expedition turns out to be the most dismal of the autumn so far .
14 Clearly the school was fortunate in having this quality of professional support , and in common with many other schools these facts throw a question mark over the staff 's ability to match informed and enthusiastic curriculum debate with commensurate knowledge of available books and learning resources .
15 These disparities throw a question mark over the accuracy of social costs data .
16 I prefer to kill rabbits the easy way whenever possible , so I position a purse net over the top of every bolt-hole and every entrance , subsequently making sure that every purse net that bags a rabbit is quickly removed and replaced with a fresh net .
17 You , you have a look Sheila over next door .
18 Still at the head of the table , however , is Welsh club Wrexham , who have a point advantage over second place matchpoint Bramhall — with both clubs to re-arrange postponed matches .
19 I think some stations might do that , but they only do it if , if it 's , if it 's not going to be detrimental to the turn out , in other words they , they have a system , erm for instance they have a duty crew over the weekend , so that at least some can take their families to the seaside if they wanted to , so six will remain around the house er er but they do have some system , but I think the majority of fire stations , there are twenty seven in Suffolk like that , who work on the system of getting there as quickly as they can , and that is the best competition to get there , to get the ride .
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