Example sentences of "[vb base] be [adj] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 But I I do n't erm from the nature of Mr Justice in the Midland Bank that there 's a a well known but w what I say is that in this case er what your Lordship will be dealing with are essentially what are matters of practice for conveyancing solicitors when faced particularly with clients er making financial arrangements to enter into this and the duties of in that particular situation .
2 The climbing and the people who climb are central to this book , and Dennis 's descriptions of both are rich , but rich with sensation , humanity , humour , magnanimity .
3 Of course you want to see increased road safety , we 're all concerned about it as residents and parents but just throw in one million pounds at it without knowing the effectiveness of it , I think is irresponsible at this stage .
4 What I think 's different about this series is that whereas Casualty and The Bill are about the state sector , what South of the Border seems to be about is the impossibility of the state ever actually doing anything right .
5 5.9.5 On a permitted assignment to a limited company and if the Landlord shall [ reasonably ] so require to procure that at least [ 2 ] directors of the company or some other guarantor or guarantors [ reasonably ] acceptable to the Landlord enter into direct covenants with the Landlord in the form of the Guarantor 's covenant contained in this Lease with " the Assignee " substituted for " the Tenant " [ 5.9.6 That each and every permitted underlease shall be granted without any fine or premium at a rent not less than the then open market rental value of the Premises [ to be approved by the Landlord prior to any such underlease ] [ and to be determined by the Surveyor acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator ] or the Rent then being paid ( whichever shall be the greater ) such rent being payable in advance on the days on which Rent is payable under this Lease and shall contain provisions approved by the Landlord :
6 Clauses 5.9.6 to 5.9.11 could be amended as follows : [ 5.9.6 That each and every permitted underlease shall be granted without any fine or premium at a rent not less than the then open market rental value of [ the Premises ] [ that part of the Premises to be underlet ] such rent being payable in advance on the days on which Rent is payable under this Lease and shall contain provisions :
7 Okay you , I mean is any of this of any use to you ?
8 well okay well just to wind up , I mean I 've been involved in this and people within the R Y A and the office for a good six months now and we fell well down the line , the reality is hardly any courses have started yet and there 's hardly any youngsters been on the water .
9 The atmosphere with the actual returnees themselves is one of concern and apprehension I guess , because they 're concerned that they 've been involved in this , this crisis and they 're not quite sure what 's happening , and they are er not really being told by everybody , you know , there 's just too many people to make it very clear where they 're all going and when they 're all going .
10 ‘ I 've been worrying about this .
11 We 've been thrilled with this work experience cos was Dave originally had these five days off taping and he said no , he said , you know you 're so tired , have a little rest we 'll go up I 'll go up on the train only to get to the Selhurst Park he 's got four or five train journeys
12 But I 've been stuck in this line for twenty years , and I reckon I 'll be stuck in it when I drop . ’
13 We 've been precise on this because this is , if you look at your agenda papers , er quite detailed suggestion , one of the quotas , one of the options er in fact that we , the same about officer 's , erm nine twenty er the basis er , er is , is erm a very near to the that 's thirty five including capital , er we had to go fur further , obviously and , but we picked the Labour figure er and I wonder a little because the advice we have is that once we go over nine twenty places become much more erm , unfortunately costly .
14 But can you honestly say you 've been cold in this house ?
15 This coincides with the views of some other feminist writers who have been impressed by this distinctively ‘ female ’ contribution to morality .
16 Very few children have been present during this week , many with their parents in the field .
17 He argues that ‘ the failure of both disputes revealed and reproduced the regional nature of management-labour relations in the industry ’ ( p. 35 ) , because ‘ miners ’ interpretations of the two disputes , and of the underlying arguments , are understood as embedded in the nature of collective social relations at work … the constitution of workplace relations has varied between coalfields and … variations in management and labour strategies have been central to this process ' ( p. 36 ) .
18 Two authors , at least , have been explicit on this subject .
19 There is currently a move towards Community Education in the Urban and Burgh schools ; rural schools have been involved in this , informally for a long time .
20 GIVEN THAT Jacob 's Mouse have been involved in this rock ‘ n ’ roll malarkey in some form or another from an age when your hack still believed a bosom was Captain Birdseye 's right hand man on the SS Fishfinger , you would , perhaps — just like the kids of Bury St Edmunds — expect Sam , Jebb and Hugo to be precocious little shits with heads as big as Frank Sidebottom 's .
21 Four hundred and forty two SERC-funded students have been Involved In this examination of initial destinations .
22 Pipe habitually farms minor races — around 20 per cent of his 170 victories have been in selling and claiming races — and cutbacks have been severe in this area .
23 Some governing bodies have been sensitive to this danger and have established committees and structures involving teachers other than the teacher-governors .
24 The UK building societies , with well recognised " names " , have been active in this respect .
25 Research findings have been ambivalent in this area and no firm results have been shown .
26 ‘ The reason people have been concerned about this case for so long is that it is about far bigger issues .
27 In that context I have had to look at the definition of a specific issue order which is contained in section 8(1) of the Act and I know , from talking to those who have been concerned with this Act and are familiar with it , that they have no doubt at all as to what that definition means .
28 Political sociologists , in so far as they are not engaged in mainly descriptive and historical studies , now devote much of their effort either to analysing methodological problems of the kind which I outlined in the Introduction , or to reappraising and reinterpreting those nineteenth-century theories in which the ideas with which I have been concerned throughout this book — democracy , class , capitalism , socialism , the nation — were originally formulated and diffused .
29 Many people have been glad of this device over the years , which has saved them from death or serious injury .
30 This fiction has various names : ‘ private eye fiction ’ , ‘ hardboiled fiction ’ which is a way of describing its style , and erm I have been interested in this for some time , partly trying to assess the reasons why such fiction occurred in America as a complete breakaway from the old kind of detective fiction which we all know about , the country house murder , why erm the figure of the private detective becomes so important in this kind of fiction between the wars , and what the relationship of this sort of fiction is to not merely other kinds of American fiction during that period but to more abiding American themes , particularly erm themes of individualism and toughness .
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