Example sentences of "[vb base] that he [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Hugh 's mother , climbing out of her taxi with a zip bag full of baby clothes , heard the laughter and wondered if she should contact Hugh in wherever it was and suggest that he came home .
2 The letters to Greeves suggest that he did not find this part of a Christian 's duty very easy ( 'Daily Castration Prevents Master Bation' ) .
3 Oh , no , never say that he did not like them , after all her hard work and the writing of them in the small hours after her demanding duties as a dogsbody had already tired her !
4 And he felt his searches had been vindicated when he found a savings book that he did n't know about .
5 I am grateful to the right hon. Gentleman for the way in which he presented his case to me , although I hope that he did not take away from our meeting any belief that I was totally persuaded by the argument that he put forward .
6 Mr Pilkington was delighted and became such an enthusiast for air travel that he went on to make many more business trips by air , some of them as far afield as Australia .
7 We know that he kept away from the moor , so it 's unlikely that he waited at the moor gate every evening .
8 I only know that he turned up a few hours after the accident and got into some row with the head copper .
9 You know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins .
10 We know that he did not know , and we know that the Leader of the Opposition went to Luigi 's restaurant and achieved what , even for him , was a famous first .
11 I mean it was tough , life was tough for him and I know that he faced quite a lot of comments both of racist and other other things .
12 He is indeed ‘ the most political of all our poets ’ and this is hardly surprising when we remember that he grew up in an age of Revolution .
13 I give the hon. Gentleman the benefit of the doubt and assume that he did not hear what I said , not once but twice , perhaps because of the noise coming from his hon. Friend the Member for Carrick , Cumnock and Doon Valley ( Mr. Foulkes ) , seated beside him , who referred to 236 admissions .
14 ‘ She will entertain us every evening after supper , ’ said Goibniu and Floy nearly abandoned the entire thing there and then , because there had been something so meaningful in the way that Goibniu had said entertain that he wondered how they could ever have considered leaving her here alone .
15 so she said erm , erm , I said I only understand that he fell out of bed last night , so she said yes but he 's quite comfortable now , I said is he , is he really ?
16 The provision in section 44(4) has been criticized on the ground that it is wrong in principle that a person should be found guilty of an offence which the jury find that he did not commit .
17 Well he mixed with all the stars and of course , I suppose part of the underworld , but er they reckon that he did n't kill himself , I mean they did bring it in as suicide but er they reckon that you know , there 's people think he was murdered .
18 Manuscript sources state that he was an Augustinian canon at Thurgarton in Nottinghamshire and some also state that he died there on 23 or 24 March , 1395 – 96 .
19 It made her feel that he did n't mind everyone knowing she was his girlfriend , and he was really sweet to her in bed , told her she had lovely hair and said she must never , ever cut it , it was so beautiful , and then he began to talk about Therese , saying how cruel it was that he had carried the company all these years and now , just because she was the Direktor 's favourite — he snorted at this point and said he really did believe Therese must have been old Franz 's mistress years ago in Vienna — he was being treated like a pariah , no consideration , everyone being rude and unkind to him , Therese allowed to do just what she liked on the stage even though she 'd been no-one before she came to Hochhauser .
20 So thick had the mist become that he had almost lost his way and hoping to hear the call of one of the animals to orientate himself had heard an eagle 's call and one he knew well .
21 He went across to it , still thinking that it was n't too late to back out and close the door behind him and pretend that he 'd never even been in here .
22 On the first part of the question , events moved so rapidly in Dublin last night that by the time that I had heard that the Minister had been appointed , I gather that he had also resigned .
23 You think that he came out quite
24 He still used to entertain the others with stories of his days as a master criminal and boast that he had n't lost any of his skills , but it was difficult to imagine him back at that game .
25 And I presume that he did n't ?
26 All those who were present agree that he got out of his jeep , lifted the pole and said in a mock solemn voice , ‘ Let battle commence . ’
27 Little wonder that he went back to his post of principal of UMIST .
28 At the Chair he pricked his ears and sailed over the gaping ditch with such abandon that he pecked slightly on the landing side .
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