Example sentences of "[vb base] that i [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 've spent the night thinking about everything that happened , and I now realise that I made a mistake about you being involved with Harry Martin . ’
2 I always say that I enjoyed the R and R but it was as I go down
3 Well just say and just say that I had a bit of a ba an and I 'd like a check over that 's all just say that to them if you want alright ?
4 I merely say that I think the question might be expected to interest your readers , but I am by no means confident that they will care much about the matter .
5 It is in my body qua sensitive that sensations occur ; and the occurrence of a sensation in some part of my body qua sensitive is all that I mean when I say that I feel a sensation in some part of my body .
6 But forgive me , Lord , if I say that I have no inclination towards another marriage . ’
7 You say that I have the endurance — you say it in order to give me strength .
8 However , I and others find it difficult to accept that , but I repeat that I have no hard evidence to substantiate my claim .
9 It is with deep regret that I report the death of Mr Frank Sinclair of Bishop 's Castle .
10 I mean that I attended the lectures given at Cambridge by Dirac .
11 By that I mean that I see the New English Art Club as standing for a cultured , civilised , very English approach to art — a kind of visual stability .
12 I give myself two pats on the back for every answer which started with ‘ I do n't know but what if … ’ because these answers show that I regard the investigation as a shared experience .
13 I hope that I approach the debate with due humility , given that my right hon. Friend the Leader of the House and two former Leaders of the House have contributed to it .
14 PAMELA : Sir , when you consider that I had no prospect before me but dishonour , you will allow that I should have seemed very little in earnest in my profession of honesty not to endeavour to get away .
15 I ensure that I hear the views of parish councils in rural areas outside my constituency .
16 Further to our telephone conversation earlier today , I confirm that I completed the renewal forms .
17 I just recall that I got a bit of a shock when I heard they found him on MOD property .
18 I know that I had no intention of stopping the procedure , whatever anyone said or did to influence me .
19 I know that I laughed a lot , and that Will said it was a stupid play , with not a word of poetry in it .
20 Perhaps you know that I married a man who was very cruel to me .
21 And I know that I count the days —
22 I know that I have a comfortable income now , but I still have difficulty in believing it .
23 Completely new to the Company , I know that I have a lot to learn and I 'd particularly like to thank for her help during the changeover .
24 Elizabeth 's famous Armada speech — ‘ I know that I have the body of a weak and feeble woman , but I have the heart of a king and a king of England too ’ — and Mary 's much-quoted desire to live the life of a soldier , wearing a Glasgow buckler and sleeping under the stars , are testimony to one ( it is perhaps worth adding that the context for Elizabeth was fighting Spain , for Mary fighting her half-brother ) .
25 It was probably this occasion which prompted Lloyd George to write of Balfour : ‘ I confess that I underrated the passionate attachment to his country which burnt under that calm , indifferent , and apparently frigid exterior ’ ; upon which Balfour 's latest biographer has somewhat severely commented : ‘ By ‘ passionate attachment to his country , ’ Lloyd George , presumably meant Balfour 's backing for him as Prime Minister … ’
26 But if I was pressed to make a choice , apart from Coldingham Loch , I would have to admit that the Whiteadder River is my favourite Border stream , and I confess that I have a vested interest in Whiteadder .
27 If we do as the Russians want and hand over all these prisoners to them whether or not the prisoners are willing to go back to Russia , we are … sending some of them to their death ; and although in war we can not , as you point out … afford to be sentimental , I confess that I find the prospect somewhat revolting , and I should expect public opinion to reflect the same feeling …
28 I remember that I had a bad feeling about it .
29 ‘ And kindly remember that I make the decisions around this place . ’
30 ‘ Kindly remember that I provide the legal know-how to protect you and your — friends , ’ Adam said calmly .
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