Example sentences of "[vb base] that it [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The way you say that it sounds like crap , but I guess the essence of it makes sense .
2 It is no improvement merely to add a label , saying — taking an example at random — that left for Scotland yesterday morning is a verb phrase if by that we simply mean that it consists of a certain sequence of word classes recognized as frequently occurring .
3 No , I mean that it comes as a surprise when you first experience it , and then after that you ca n't change the course of events .
4 THE plasma precipitating into the Earth 's dayside auroral atmosphere has characteristics which show that it originates from the shocked solar-wind plasma of the magnetosheath .
5 It stands alone as a study of infant care practices , but we hope that it contributes to a discussion of those factors which form Bergman 's ‘ critical mass . ’
6 Chair , I 'd like to challenge standing orders on motion three O one , an example being in the part-time workers ' qualification into it was done by a recommendation of and we therefore request that it stays on the agenda .
7 Some hold that it follows from this that the priest must be male :
8 Zande thus believe this power to be sex-linked and consider that it increases with age : children may be capable of bewitching , but the power is weakly developed in them ; in mature adults it is more strongly realized .
9 Officials of the ODA will work with local health personnel and through groups like the Red Cross to identify hospitals and clinics which will made good use of the aid and ensure that it gets to those who truly need it .
10 Whichever type of window you choose , ensure that it has at least one casement or sash that can be easily opened to provide an exit in case of emergency .
11 Provided that your material is newsworthy and you ensure that it lands on the right person 's desk at the right time , the chances are that it will be published .
12 Although such characteristics probably do play some secondary role , we find this interpretation unconvincing and suspect that it stems from a need to make a connection with what are perceived as the relatively more ‘ attractive ’ features of psychosis , rather than with those emphasised in descriptions of schizophrenia , a concept that has taken on almost entirely negative connotations .
13 Yeah perhaps , I , I know that it applies to some people .
14 In the past , it was thought that language began when the child uttered the first word , but we now know that it begins with the first interactions and communication shortly after birth .
15 We know that it pays to be informed about the particular problems of getting older , like osteoporosis , the development of brittle bones , that can afflict women past the menopause .
16 ‘ I know canon law and I also know that it rests on the justice of God .
17 Mr Smith has no explanation for the defeat , although his supporters imply that it lies in the personality of Neil Kinnock .
18 Remember that it rhymes in two places : " " A tuba , " I said , " or some treacle , Or a toggle to sew on your mac , Or a tray or a ticket , a tree or a thicket , A thistle , a taper , a tack . "
19 Assume that it sells to people who bank elsewhere .
20 I assume that it contains among other things the letters I have sent to him .
21 I assume that it matters to your investigation ? ’
22 Note that it slopes from front to back , higher at the rear .
23 Some people believe that it helps in a night consultation to see a doctor you recognise .
24 Metcalfe and Richards believe that it rests on public management 's focus on structural problems .
25 This was , as I have said , not our experience , and I believe that it rests in part on a very general tendency to undervalue the potential of well motivated students in the middle ranges of ability , in part on a rejection of the idea that the study of Language is very wide , and very various , that only some parts of that large landscape are accessible only to the most intellectually gifted .
26 Many believe that it lies under the church of San Vincenzo in Prato , even though there is no historical record of the church before the year 806 .
27 It is an important Bill even if , as it stands , we believe that it needs to be improved .
28 Frankly , I believe that It begins in an attitude to life which is almost mystical , if not religious , in its orientation and approach .
29 Here , with several closely spaced data we are able to model a previously void region ( Fig. 3 ) and find that it extends at least 3km laterally and 1km vertically .
30 If you ever try to do a ha a demonstration for anybody erm or a group of people involving a sort of manual skill , you find that it goes to pieces if it 's not a very well rehearsed skill , whereas you find you can actually get very your performance is a lot better when you 've got an audience if you know the skill very well .
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