Example sentences of "[vb base] that you [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It would be easy to dismiss scanned photographs as simply worthless and suggest that you just leave a gap in the page and let your printer look after the problem for you .
2 You can also put them in dry hair , but we suggest that you lightly spritz all over with water first .
3 We suggest that you always differentiate between the educational effectiveness with a new user of the unit CD L , and the educational effectiveness after several lessons with it CDL .
4 I suggest that you rapidly review your attitude to your wife 's sexual and emotional needs — before she starts looking for love play elsewhere .
5 At this point you realise that you either need one computer to generate the images and a second to handle the transfer of these to the film recorder or you buy a bulk film pack ( which at over £6,000 costs as much again as the PCR/SlideWriter ! ) and run the imaging process overnight .
6 In your application , you say that you only spent nine months with this firm of accountants .
7 You always say that you never get two children the same , they 're
8 Only say that you still love me . ’
9 I sense that you neither wish to drop this matter , or to pursue it .
10 Please show that you really care , either by joining the society or by supporting our work with a donation .
11 It 's your chance to do something fro the environment and show that you really care about the damage litter causes .
12 The prevailing value system suggests that it is only if you have paid in full for what you receive that you fully deserve to have it .
13 Imagine that you only have five years left to live .
14 Now imagine that you only have one year to live .
15 There are many wild flowers that can be legally picked , but always ensure that you only choose large and flourishing plants , and never , ever , remove the plant completely by its roots .
16 Confirm that you still have to work with .
17 If I suspect that you too have noticed the banker fidgeting , I may fear that you too may be contemplating defection .
18 To test this , ease the mainsheet slightly , and if the boat speed jumps up you know that you probably have too much checkstay tension .
19 He tells the employers to ‘ provide your slaves with what is right and fair , because you know that you also have a Master in Heaven ’ ( Col. 4:1 ) .
20 ‘ Anyways , I know that you still wan na ask 'bout a thousand other questions — do n't need imminence for that — but you need to use the facilities while I 'm here , and then I got to go hunting to keep the guys off my case . ’
21 Pray to your God and anyone else you know that you never land up in the power of Fitzosbert , in one of those Godforsaken cells ! ’
22 The structure was there and I think anybody who 's been in this business for any number of years , some of us have been in it longer than others er know that you actually need a structure er of that , of that little .
23 Just make sure you keep low , and remember that you always enter or leave a helicopter from a forward direction . ’
24 Remember that you now have an absolute Up and Down .
25 Ima okay , suppose you 're at a night club and suppose that you really like somebody you 've been dancing with .
26 Whenever you use a semicolon , note that you also had the option of using a full stop instead .
27 As I believe that you both did , when you were my age — if you can remember so far back — but I knew you would prevent me from doing so if I told you the truth . ’
28 I understand that you now own two thirds of it ? ’
29 and you find that you just slipped up on the scale or even on the calculating your table because you just , Oh this is easy this is easy .
30 I 've clearly feel that you probably responded by saying that the old one which is led to under registration was perfectly adequate for your needs , which as I said says something about your view of the electoral process .
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