Example sentences of "[vb base] that [pron] have have " in BNC.

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1 According to dozens of villagers , journalists , and workers for the opposition candidate , the journalist grandson of Mahatma Gandhi , Mr Rajmohan Gandhi , who is no relation to the incumbent Prime Minister , there have been scores of such incidents in Amethi in systematic attacks that suggest that they have had sanction from higher authority .
2 In spite of official acceptance of the suggested reforms by both government and the Civil Service , various examinations into the implementation of the proposals suggest that they have had very little real effect .
3 HEAVEN is my witness that I do not want to be unfair to British Telecom , so I must , with frank and honest gaze , report that I have had several letters saying that I am up the pole in carrying on about the method of charging recently mentioned in this column .
4 When you realise that we have had one of the most difficult spending erm , decisions taken by
5 One third of teachers say that they have had the use of INSET days to conduct their review : the same proportion have undertaken assessment of pupils especially for this purpose and have kept a diary as part of the review process .
6 ‘ I regret that we have had to take this step , ’ said DMF managing director Neil Friar .
7 Well , I mean that you have to have a War Cabinet , you have to have a Committee of Chiefs of Staff , that the Secretary of the Committee of Chiefs must n't be the Secretary of the War Cabinet .
8 Perhaps not surprisingly in view of the hierarchical nature of schools , they also are more aware of the response of the governors and the LEA and consider that they have had more feedback to the report than their more junior colleagues .
9 I have sent for you this morning , Jones , because I find on looking up your record of attendances at police court that you have had neither a charge nor a summons during the last three years .
10 This perfect little mountain may only be just over 2,000 feet in height , but going up the south face , in my state of physical unfitness , you really know that you have had a climb , and regret all the long , glass-happy evenings of days past .
11 There are probably about 50 stars within radio range if we assume that they have had radio technology for only as long as we have .
12 And as I say , we believe that we have to have a federal structure and we believe in m democracy throughout Europe and throughout Britain .
13 The data so far accumulated suggests that half or more of the adult population of this country believe that they have had some sort of direct religious experience .
14 Some companies feel that they have had a beneficial effect on their trading situation , while others feel that their competitive position has been seriously undermined .
15 and to deal with problems of substance abuse , unemployment , illiteracy , rather than things which are fashionable and to my mind highly like opera and the ballet which is n't to say that I do n't love them both , but I think that you have to have a sense of complete reality about the social issues .
16 The afternoon when they discover that they have to have a complete outline plan of the Dolomites ready for the Ministry by nine o'clock the following morning , and all stay working into the small hours , until their backs are aching and their eyes closing , and they all love each other and are united in extremity against the entire world .
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