Example sentences of "[vb base] that [pron] have the " in BNC.

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1 It is at that stage in the design process that he has the greatest opportunity to explore , and the least number of constraints .
2 Landlords are continuing to issue occupiers of their property with " licence agreements " ; only a very small proportion will appreciate that they are not bound by the agreement they have signed , and realise that they have the right to a fair rent and security of tenure .
3 You say that I have the endurance — you say it in order to give me strength .
4 The hon. Gentleman will forgive me if I say that he has the same problem with me that I have with the Whips Office .
5 Gone are the days when organisations automatically recruited new graduates irrespective of their degree topic on the basis that three years at university show that someone has the intelligence and application needed to hold down a job .
6 If this is the case I hope that it has the courage and honesty to admit it .
7 We 've re-aligned our cost space which makes us more profitable at the existing levels of demand and potentially very profitable indeed er er when you consider that we have the capacity to respond to any upturn in demand without increasing our costs .
8 We shall not only survive but continue to grow so long as we give value for money , retain our record of innovation and flexibility , keep the confidence and goodwill of our clients and ensure that we have the best possible range of materials , methods and people in the industry .
9 We will always give the security forces our full backing within the rule of the law , and — against Labour opposition — ensure that they have the special powers they need to protect the whole community from violence .
10 Before you begin ensure that you have the following to hand :
11 Please ensure that you have the privilege to modify the modules .
12 A uniform , peaked cap , boots and gun can be frightening when you know that they have the backing of a ruthless system .
13 Elizabeth 's famous Armada speech — ‘ I know that I have the body of a weak and feeble woman , but I have the heart of a king and a king of England too ’ — and Mary 's much-quoted desire to live the life of a soldier , wearing a Glasgow buckler and sleeping under the stars , are testimony to one ( it is perhaps worth adding that the context for Elizabeth was fighting Spain , for Mary fighting her half-brother ) .
14 they came up to you if there 's two women together they assume that they have the right to talk to you , that you 're going to be interested in them , and if you tell them to get lost however politely , you can get a very , very unpleasant response because they assume that what they have to say is more important !
15 Questions like this may be asked by people who assume that you have the same sort of lifestyle as they do , or who are clumsily trying to find out whether you do .
16 I assume that he has the information in front of him .
17 I believe that we have the balance about right .
18 They also believe that they have the right to snoop and that the shootings violate the German-Soviet treaty signed last year .
19 Frequently we find that we have the ability to staff to our partner 's weaknesses .
20 Reading a letter from Miss Joan Rix in the EADT last week , I find that she had the same thoughts as myself .
21 Providing counsellees can be coaxed into exploring these more sensitive areas , and counsellors feel that they have the time and the ability to cope with any resulting distress , then the eventual outcome can be , more often than not , extremely valuable .
22 SCOTVEC is always interested to hear from people who feel that they have the subject expertise and commitment to National Certificate to enable them to undertake the job of subject assessor .
23 And job situation maybe is that , but I think we should stay here and fight , and demand that we have the industries up here so that people from Scotland can stay and better , better theirselves here rather than move away .
24 Its proponents claim that it has the advantage of functioning at high altitudes , where winds are strong and stable .
25 6.1 The Author hereby warrant that he/she has the right to authorise exploitation of the Script in accordance with the terms hereby agreed and the Author hereby agrees to indemnify the Publisher against any breach loss or damage arising out of any breach or violation of the above warranty
26 6.1 The Author hereby warrant that he/she has the right to authorise exploitation of the Script in accordance with the terms hereby agreed and the Author hereby agrees to indemnify the Publisher against any breach loss or damage arising out of any breach or violation of the above warranty
27 I warrant that I have the unfettered right to authorise the publication of the Work ; that my own and any co-authors ' contributions to the Work are original and contain no libellous defamatory obscene or otherwise unlawful or misleading matter and that all statements therein purporting to be facts are true .
28 She dresses marvellously well and I constantly remark that she has the gift of presenting herself well .
29 If they agree and the Minister thinks that matters should be re-examined , I think that he has the power — correct me if I am wrong — to call them in .
30 This is a point that I have made often in the House and on which I think that I have the support of the Adam Smith Institute which I hope will also be supported by many Conservative Members .
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