Example sentences of "[vb base] not [verb] it be " in BNC.

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1 He thought it better not to mention it was he who had been responsible for both his accidents .
2 Where there is close liaison between ward teachers and the school of nursing , and where ward experience is part of a planned programme , this information will be available from previous teaching ; but where these conditions do not exist it is necessary for the clinical teacher to carry out her own checks with the students before the teaching can be planned .
3 Do not feel it is up to you to keep filling the silence if you have nothing more you want to say .
4 There is a significant difference , and I do not feel it is only a class and an age difference , between the spare dignity of the oath Marco has learned from his early years and the oath which the Rat has devised as part of the game he has created for his Club :
5 Given our preferred strategy for the review and upgrading of minerals permissions described above , we do not feel it is necessary to extend the IDO provisions under the 1991 Act to other permissions , as suggested in the consultation paper .
6 Well , I am shocked that such things can be published , I do not think it is right .
7 But I do not think it is this threat alone which explains the sick feeling of dread — rather like the feeling of a man who knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight — which clouds the prospect of a Labour victory .
8 ‘ We do not think it is possible to deny that there are circumstances in which individuals may justifiably choose to enter into a homosexual relationship ... [ although ] such a relationship could not be regarded as the moral or social equivalent of marriage . '
9 I can not speak for other hypnotherapists , but for myself I do not think it is a good idea .
10 I do not think it is complacent or smug ; one feels it has been worked for .
11 However , I do not think it is a particularly appropriate model of human social interactions , for two reasons .
12 It is not just ignorance , but arrogance ; you do not think it is going to happen to you .
13 I take the view that , having regard to the recitals and to the terms of the order , one can read into the order itself the element of compromise , but again I do not think it is important for the decision of this case ; because the compromise , if compromise it was , was between the plaintiffs and Jack Bernardout , and I do not think it enures for the benefit of Joseph Bernardout , the defendant in these proceedings .
14 That seems to me to be a good argument for saying that in the ordinary way the justices ought not to make an order for no contact between the parent and the child , but I do not think it is a satisfactory argument in the interpretation of section 34(2) and ( 3 ) .
15 Secondly , I do not think it is a good idea to attack a plane with a hundred and seven passengers in it , and ‘ take it apart ’ as you say .
16 And as for his private life , I do not think it is James Pegg he desires .
17 But we all we can do is reflect the position of women in society , and I do not think that what 's we 're about and I do not think it 's what the parliamentary Labour party .
18 ‘ Police have told us that they do not think it was a deliberate attack on our house because I am deputy leader . ’
19 But I do not think it was open to them to state a sum constituting the … deficit and then say in effect they were not sure if the sum was correct .
20 The most obvious link with The Lost Prince ( I do not suggest it was a conscious one ) is The Emerald Crown , the story of fourteen-year-old Alexander Valesciano , brought up in England by his mother 's people and taken after her death to Mavonia , a kingdom usurped from his paternal ancestors seventy years earlier .
21 I do not believe it is disputed that this factor has been powerfully in operation recently .
22 We do not believe it is government 's job to run business — people do that much better .
23 I do not believe it is .
24 If the logic behind the proposals was accurate , I would have no objection to them , but I do not believe it is .
25 A police spokesman said : ‘ We do not believe it is Suzy Lamplugh , but we have to check to be absolutely sure . ’
26 I do not believe it is merely the result of social conditioning that in the Scriptures , in the Jewish and Christian tradition , mankind and the Church is presented as feminine to God , to whom our response must be one of obedience in contrast to those religions in which the divine is regarded as contained within creation and is to be manipulated or cajoled in order to provide what man needs .
27 Your people do not believe it is right to offer cows to his family .
28 Legal aid is a fundamental part of our system of justice , and we do not believe it is proper for the Lord chancellor to make drastic reductions in it through Regulations , particularly in view of the entirely inadequate consultation on his proposals .
29 He added : ‘ I believe Manchester is an injured party — I do not believe it is the fault of the city .
30 Police do not believe it was the work of Colombian drug lords Photograph ( omitted ) :
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