Example sentences of "[vb base] [being] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 M. B. I never forget being called by a superintendent , who said : ‘ Sergeant Bullock , you 're acting inspector over the weekend .
2 ‘ The repeated testing is leading to problems in that animals now associate being put in a crush with being tested and one can get considerable stress in older animals .
3 Also reaffirmed was a commitment to protect the environment and to the creation of a new regional ecological order , support being expressed for the Costa Rican government 's proposal calling on the UN to establish a Council of the Planet Earth during the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Brazil in 1992 .
4 Tough and tender Kathryn takes gold IMAGINE being lost in the wild stretches of the Scottish Highlands , icy northern wind beating heavily against your face and sheets of splintering rain biting deep into your face .
5 The subtle effects of centuries of propaganda will not be easily overcome , but we could make a start by looking more honestly at the reality of war and stop being blinded by the glamour .
6 Others love a day by the sea or an afternoon in the country ; and many most enjoy being taken to the homes of relatives or friends for a meal .
7 The clients appreciate being kept in the picture , even if their stay can not be made shorter .
8 It is as a result of fears such as this that members of the RUC are required to obtain official permission before they cam talk to outsiders , such as the Press and researchers , or face being sacked from the force .
9 Strangely , Shepherd seems to have shown little interest in the effects of the electric media ; indeed , his account of the present-day situation assumes an even tighter grip by the ‘ industrial world sense ’ , the system created by literacy and print being generalized as a ‘ symbolic-technological filter ’ which regulates the processes of communication vital to socialisation and the creation of consciousness ’ ( Shepherd 1982 : 149–50 ) .
10 I stood at the front door for a long time being soaked by the rain .
11 : animate being affected by the action ;
12 In one very vivid dream , I remember being shot in the lower back and although it was only a dream we had to swim under a sort of submerged wall in order to escape . ’
13 ‘ I remember being fascinated by the story when I worked for a while in the Royal Library .
14 I remember being amazed at the size of the placenta , which resembled a football and the lack of discomfort which accompanied its arrival .
15 Even the most avid mycologists dislike being shot over a chanterelle .
16 We shall just have to pretend it 's not there , there 's not , there 's not quite as bad as when I had to speak for Amnesty on Radio Essex last year and it was live , as every word , every word I spoke was being you know being heard by a lot of people and that 's , that was very , that was very intimidating .
17 So instead of waiting ten days for delivery and then the invoice being , tha , you know being delivered with the goods when you open
18 Or parameters which provoke the discharger 's concern can be framed leniently , control being assured by the insertion of a much stricter parameter of more general application .
19 Resist being served from a salame where all the casing has already been removed — the meat may have become dry and tough during storage .
20 Therefore , if the call was priced at 20p then the put must be priced at 8p ( the prices in the traded options market being quoted to the nearest half-penny ) .
21 The production is part of a special showcase season being presented by the Rose Bruford College , where Ms Rainsford is a final-year student on a BA theatre degree course .
22 Modernity has been a bit like that in the last thirty years , except that as the story progresses , faster and faster — with many Enlightenment doctrines reappearing in new form — new lines keep being added to the narrative so that no one knows how the story will end .
23 Is that not the best discouragement to crime and an encouragement to those elderly people who fear being attacked on the streets ?
24 They have to erm , first of all ask er R S P C A funding it , which is very much against anyway because I , I hate being humiliated by the this way .
25 They admit that theology is meaningless to those outside the realm of faith ( 'faith' being interpreted as a direct transmission of knowledge to the individual , who acquires understanding on the basis of a kind of spiritual drip-feed connecting God with the believer ) .
26 I am , of course , conscious that , as a convert to some important aspects of European integration , I risk being impeached for a lack of consistency ; however , I am always happy to recall the words of Ralph Emerson , who said : ’ A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds , adored by little statemen and philosophers and divines . ’
27 We must continue the drive for improved competitiveness and increased productivity , otherwise we risk being left at the starting gate , ’ he said .
28 ‘ People have to stand well back from the edge of the pavement or else risk being splashed by the mud and water spilling from these ‘ sealed ’ lorries , ’ he said .
29 Whether you love the adventures of ‘ Swallows & Amazons ’ or fancy being marooned on a desert island like Robinson Crusoe you will know that behind these exciting stories lies a real world of evil men ( and women ) who terrorised merchant ships to satisfy their own greed .
30 Avoid being boxed into a corner , and always fight with a strong sun behind you .
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