Example sentences of "[vb base] [been] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I know that you 've been through husbands until now th y y , the feller you 're living with , your seventh husband is not e , you 're e actually married to him .
2 When are we gon na have rules revisions , there 's a long way to go and as the , the er General Secretary said , be careful , because I 've been to talks with , on , from the Regional Committee with the T & G yes we got on lovely with them , they 're fine , they , they gave us a nice big er commemorative medal of the dockers ' strike and it 's got my granddad and my great granddad on it cos they was there in the other union mind you while we 've done all the striking and that they stood by , but nevertheless they 're not bad lads anyway and as John said we must be careful that we are not the ones that are gon na be taken over , because I remember that old song of the fifties , never smile at a crocodile
3 I 've been to Newark on a Friday night and stood in a line with others on a night shift at a w wooden hut in the yard whilst a clerk from the pay office came to meet us , the day shift finishing at er , say five o'clock .
4 Sergeant Flavell sounds a little odd when I talk to him and tell him I 've been to Jersey for the day but I 'm on my way back to Edinburgh .
5 Oh , he said , we 've been to Yorkshire for our honeymoon .
6 I 've been to Cockermouth in a pony and trap ! "
7 But even for him there 's a thrill playing with bands who 've been on top for quarter of a century
8 I do n't know if they 've been on holiday with them
9 The General Secretary mentions some of them in his Report , and I do not apologize for mentioning it again , they 're fighting back at Timex , they 're fighting back at Burnsall , in my own region at Crawley we 've twenty members who 've been on strike for the last sixteen and a half weeks .
10 You mentioned Stanford Hall then and you 've been on courses at Stanford
11 All this week we 've been on expedition with the British team as they tackle the Camel Trophy through Brazil and Guyana .
12 You 've been at school for years and what have you achieved ?
13 They 've been at loggerheads with the Government over a ten million pound capping row .
14 My standards have definitely dropped since I 've been at home with the baby .
15 I 've been at dinner with him when something someone has said made him laugh so much he 's got up from the table to give the fullest physical expression to it .
16 They 've been at war with us for three years , you see . ’
17 Peter Holland Tyne Tees reporter : ‘ I 've been with TTTV in Middlesbrough for 18 years so my feelings are the merger should sort out the wasteful nonsense we 've had there doubling up on news stories . ’
18 Oh , I 've been with Joyce since then , when had , used to live at Southwold , or near Southwold , and eh , we used to go there and she , she got killed where all the , she had a , a garden wall of felt sort of Fred Flintstone one , and there was a bend on the Ipswich erm , oh Ipswich Lowestoft road , right where she had this cottage
19 ‘ You 've been with Aurora for several years as her Girl Friday , and now you work at the club as her assistant . ’
20 ‘ You 've been with Julius for ten years now , and you 're still just his secretary . ’
21 You 've been with Julius for ten years now , and if a man has n't wanted something in ten years , then he 's never going to want it .
22 Er and I mean er a lot of that 's perhaps the release of stress , so that you know you 've been under pressure for a long time and then you , you take that away , and it may actually be detrimental to but er it does n't , obviously the figures are a little bit odd .
23 Well I 've been off work for a bit and got back to a massive 156 messages from the group !
24 I have n't been away , but I 've been off work like
25 Erm I 've been off work in excess of five years now er add my income has been very very small and whatever award I get will never go ahead and compensate me or my wife for what I 've been through .
26 Do you know you 've been off school from what ?
27 Er I felt , I 've been after Danny for nearly twelve months to come see and not been able to get him on the night I want him the only night he was able , was available was I think it was one night when we had something else on I ca n't remember what it was .
28 and we 've been round Ford at Halewood
29 Oh Well we 've just come back from America we 've been in America for three years .
30 Madam chairman , er just as it happens er I 've I 've been in conversation with Mr assistant
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