Example sentences of "[vb base] [that] [pers pn] should be " in BNC.

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1 These widely differing national responses suggest that we should be wary of any attempt to explain the popularity of evolutionism in terms of the self-evident superiority of Darwin 's explanatory programme .
2 We suggest that they should be regarded as potential heart and cornea donors .
3 However , the subfamilies posses characters which suggest that they should be considered as full families .
4 To distinguish such phenomena from more dubious data , we propose that they should be renamed ‘ UAPs ’ , for unidentified atmospheric phenomena , as this seems to be an appropriate and adequate description .
5 I propose that it should be treated as a case of criminal kidnap until we have evidence to the contrary . ’
6 The letters should convey concern about the critical state of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi 's health , urge that she should be granted free access to a doctor of her choice , and appeal for her immediate and unconditional release .
7 Those who attack the Senate say that it should be abolished , that it is useless and corrupt .
8 We 'll wait and see when the second draft comes to this Council , when the Council will discuss my points and agree or disagree that they should be included or not .
9 Police forces regularly request that they should be regarded as a resource with advice to offer and practical assistance to make available when required in situations covered in this document .
10 They consider that it should be enacted .
11 The strong flavours of culinary herbs ensure that they should be used in small quantities , but there is no need to go to the other extreme and be timid with them .
12 ‘ Madam , I misdoubt that you should be abroad after dusk alone , either here or in the town .
13 ‘ I know that we should be asking questions instead of sitting on our arses drinking cups of tea , ’ the DI told him , pushing his half-empty cup away .
14 When we go out into the freezing temperatures tonight , we know that we should be doing something .
15 Such a situation also undermines the role of district nurses and health visitors if they have to go through that procedure when they know that they should be able to take the responsibility .
16 You know that I should be interested , well I was the secretary of Labour Party for a time .
17 ‘ John , you 're not trying ! ’ and you look at your feet in the mirror , ugly , unable to do the things which you want them to do , or see your body collapse in the middle when you know that it should be firm and rigid — and see them all , even the children , doing something , following what you can not follow .
18 These properties make possible studies of the pulsar at radio wavelengths with unprecedented detail , and indicate that it should be possible to detect both the pulsar and its companion at optical and perhaps shorter wavelengths .
19 Remember that it should be no more than eight weeks old , and should not have eaten grass .
20 Tamodine ( by VetArk ) , is recommended , but remember that it should be used only on individual fish , never add to the pond .
21 I suppose that I should be happy with that response .
22 Some believe that we should be looking at all ages to fulfilling activity which is not wholly employment based , but make more constructive use of leisure .
23 We believe that we should be able to use our languages when we ourselves decide how to use them .
24 We feel ‘ responsible ’ ( which really means that they are not or should not be responsible ) , and believe that they should be taking matters more easily , accepting their situation and peacefully ‘ enjoying ’ their last years of life .
25 I believe that he should be more independent of the Department and of the Government of the day .
26 There is widespread support for the principle across the Community , and we believe that it should be rigorously applied in practice .
27 However , equally I believe that it should be spearheaded by teachers and others should keep a low profile .
28 The reason suggested for this is that these girls feel that they should be able to cope with their pregnancy and problems on their own instead of sharing them within the unit , as most other girls do .
29 I think Arthur Scargill 's handling of the affair has been despicable and I feel that he should be brought to justice for acts which we consider to be verging on the illegal .
30 I think Arthur Scargill 's handling of the affair has been despicable and I feel that he should be brought to justice for acts which we consider to be verging on the er illegal .
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