Example sentences of "[vb base] [that] [pers pn] may be " in BNC.

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1 The results show that progastrin derived peptides are commonly present in colorectal cancers , and suggest that they may be manufactured locally .
2 But polls suggest that it may be the most popular party within all the black linguistic groups ; and the fighting in the mostly-Zulu province of Natal between the ANC and Inkatha shows that plenty of South Africa 's 8m Zulus take the ANC 's side .
3 The compression figures , whilst not particularly low , suggest that it may be camshaft wear .
4 The contrasts made above between the political systems on the two sides of the Atlantic suggest that it may be much more difficult for British pressure groups to identify points at which the political system is particularly open to influence .
5 These arguments suggest that it may be possible to provide a rationale for an industrial policy to subsidize sunrise industries .
6 Recent developments on policy optimisation suggest that it may be optimal for the government to plan policy U-turns deliberately in such a setting .
7 First of all , they suggest that it may be possible to identify those people at risk of depression , that is , those who tend to make global , stable and internal attributions for failure , before they become depressed .
8 Decided cases suggest that it may be more difficult to establish a course of dealing in a consumer case than in the context of dealings between businesses .
9 I suggest that it may be this very order that adds to the value of the books , records , toys , coins etc .
10 We realise that we may be attempting to put a quart into the proverbial pint pot .
11 We also acknowledge that it may be unrealistic to flock mark ewes in extensive hill areas , ’ MAFF added .
12 Companies have got the directive weakened , but worry that it may be beefed up again .
13 Data on experimental animals show that it may be the long term consequence of glomerular haemodynamic abnormalities induced by long term hyperglycaemia .
14 I am acutely aware of the importance of what the hon. Gentleman says and I hope that it may be possible to make further progress in expanding the programme .
15 Does my hon. Friend hope that it may be a valuable treatment , to be made available , if finally proven , to sufferers of Parkinson 's disease throughout the health service ?
16 I hope that it may be possible some time in the future to share our experience in this area with the SAP . ’
17 I hope that I may be so lucky .
18 They consider that it may be demeaning for a client to be ‘ helped ’ by a volunteer ; they consider that a person working for no pay is being exploited ; and they feel that volunteering confirms a sexist role model because it is mainly women supported by wage-earning husbands who volunteer .
19 I have no way of knowing how important a factor this is , but I suspect that it may be a vital one . )
20 Our data also imply that it may be becoming rarer in Western societies as it is difficult otherwise to reconcile our findings with the greater prevalence of H pylori antibodies found in more elderly subjects in Western populations .
21 Pijnenborg et al point out that ‘ many doctors ’ participate in and accept the practice and they claim that the practice has been stable over the years and assume that it may be less in future .
22 Since Theta has a K-type spectrum , I suppose that it may be slightly variable .
23 I believe that she may be the focal point through which the Ancient Adversary will try to thwart the designs of the Dark Ones . ’
24 I enclose the details of No. 22 High Street , as I understand that it may be of interest to your wife 's mother .
25 If you feel that you may be losing too much hair , do see your doctor , who may refer you to a special hair clinic .
26 On the worst days , the radiation was twice as bad as any measured since the programme began in 1988 , and scientists speculate that it may be the highest ever experienced since the ozone shield developed one billion years ago .
27 African leaders who recognise that it may be difficult to impose any further sanctions believe they have found the way forward .
28 I think that they may be frightened to speak up and that they 're scared that if they say something that they do n't know , like a lot of them do n't know the facts , like today , in the same class as Janine across there , some of them did n't know even the very the pro , progression of the male pill or anything like that , and they did learn a few things but a again they never spoke up and they were n't interested , but I
29 If you think that you may be one of these people , there will be a form for you to complete and return to us .
30 There are moments when I think that it may be that insufficient attention is paid to the coincidence of the Anglo-Irish Agreement with the upsurge in the supply of Libyan arms , which made a very considerable difference to the armaments of the IRA .
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