Example sentences of "[vb base] [that] [adj] people [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Enquiries at Enterprise Agencies suggest that many people wishing to set up businesses are doing so with redundancy money or for other reasons connected with the difficulty of finding employment and their first need is to find a suitable idea .
2 There are some private initiatives which suggest that such people do exist in Italy , such as Signor and Signora Baracco in Naples who have founded Napoli 99 to work for the revival of the town and it monuments .
3 We suggest that working-class people make rather more of a ‘ thing ’ of the whole business than do middle-class people , irrespective of their religious beliefs .
4 Some say that more people died that year than during the rebellion 10 years before .
5 Police investigating the murder of John Stanley , who was fourteen and from Moss side in Manchester , say that some people know who the killer is , but are too frightened to speak out .
6 Expecting ongoing punishment for the drugs episode , I forget that other people have different timetables for both acceptance and forgiveness .
7 Changing working habits and increased competition for leisure time mean that many people feel they simply do n't have the time any more .
8 Changes to pensions now mean that more people have ‘ opted out ’ of the State earnings related pension scheme , and taken out personal pensions .
9 Perhaps the biggest worry that most people have about embarking on an electronic coursework scheme is the problem of potential viruses .
10 ( The f act that some people move from this argument to suggesting that they ought to be treated worse does not obscure the fairness of the principle . )
11 Fresh figures from the Commons library show that 348,000 people worked in manufacturing in December 1992 and there were 342,092 unemployed Scots looking for work in February 1993 .
12 Contrary to expectations studies show that most people continue to regard themselves positively as they grow older .
13 Figures released by Northumbria Police yesterday show that 116 people have been killed in road accidents in the area in the past year year , a slight drop on the previous 12 months .
14 Data from this study also show that some people do retain relationships which they use for confiding and support , especially with their mothers , and this is regarded as appropriate , especially for women to get support with concerns that essentially are ‘ women 's business , .
15 The surveys also show that older people continued to be found in some of the very worst housing .
16 Government figures show that 10,000 people have died in drink-drive accidents in the past 10 years .
17 Does the hon. Gentleman appreciate that young people show a keen awareness of animal welfare ?
18 Now I appreciate that some people seem to object to the words public protection , erm I 'm not certain why bearing in mind you have a public protection committee .
19 However , I appreciate that most people live some distance from the sea and these factors will need to be addressed immediately .
20 I suspect that more people use it cos you do n't have to pay .
21 I have included poultry recipes in this book , since I know that many people do not share my feelings , and that a healthy source of nutrients should not be lightly eliminated .
22 I 'm trying to explain to you that there was a different atmosphere about it , the whole situation , I know they were hard times , I know that some people had some really rough times but it did n't show very much , and when I come to think of all my parents ' friends I do n't remember anybody having a wife bashing episode or they all seemed to be very contented with their lot somehow except one , and that was a little bit dicey when I was a little kid , but the man died and the Observer the next week the er obituary notice was put in the paper and underneath they 'd got , with Christ which is far better and my father said and they she could n't have said anything better words
23 I know that some people look a bit surprised if you turn up with a bottle , but others are disappointed if you do n't .
24 well you know I know that some people do but do n't back down afterwards and then say oh well never mind it was my fault cos it 's not your fault .
25 Now , I know that these people have worked all their life to get their money and their saving savings and things like that , but if they 're able to manage on wha with less benefit from the government , surely they should n't have to watch other people who struggling and in dire needs because of that ?
26 This is all classified information and I know that these people have n't clearance . ’
27 We know that different people hold different views about moral issues that they all treat as of great importance .
28 This is consistent with the findings which indicate that young people tend to adjust relatively easily to working life and that the less academic tend to do so more than others .
29 This has been shown in several scientific experiments which invariably indicate that overweight people eat more quickly than slim people .
30 Remember that most people tend to drop their voices at the end of a sentence .
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