Example sentences of "[vb base] [that] [adj] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When the Opposition call for an independent consumer ombudsman , I suggest that that is exactly what they have under the present arrangements .
2 Nevertheless , an increasing number of schools now see withdrawal as only one of a widening range of options , only to be used where the child 's individually assessed needs suggest that this is indeed the most appropriate form of provision .
3 We suggest that this is so because the vivid events are hallucinatory bursts whose content is unconstrained by the previous visual events , the ongoing emotion , or the ongoing integration ; whereas the less vivid events are visual material generated by the cognitive integration , and as such , are constrained in content .
4 Members of the nursing profession , who once assumed that training for registration would equip them for a career in nursing now realise that this is no longer the case .
5 Even if he seeks to deploy fewer warheads per boat than the maximum possible , why should not other countries follow his example and say that that is also their ideal of a minimum deterrent ?
6 The researchers say that DTX-2 is biogenetically related to two other agents , okadaic acid and DTX-1 , which cause diarrhoea after eating toxin-contaminated shellfish ( J. L. C. Wright et al , J. Chem .
7 Some Nigerians say that this is already happening .
8 I am sure that I speak for all district society presidents when I say that this is just not true .
9 And Council officers say that this is particularly attractive in the situation and I agree .
10 Some say that this is still a ‘ jobless ’ recovery ; or at least , as Dick Gephardt , the leader of the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives , argued on May 11th , a recovery with no good jobs .
11 You could restore the original layout and typography , identify the genre , the title , the publisher , the author , the dedication , make a guess at the identity of Jean and Helga , say that this is only the beginning of something , predict possible continuations , say whether you would read on … and answer many other questions besides .
12 Yes I mean I acknowledge that that is rightly a matter for investigation establishment through the local plan system .
13 … [ Take ] temperature — you 've got a thermometer in the car but you begin to feel what is about thirty degrees C. You sense that that 's about thirty .
14 Sense that this is now or never time , he wrote .
15 I regret that this is so .
16 Regarding the social differentiation between the sexes , this conceptual schematization can result ( and I stress that this is just one possibility , and one which admirably serves the needs of patriarchy ) in women being perceived as closer to nature in consequence of the biological facts of childbirth and menstruation ( or rather , a particular cultural interpretation thereof ) , whilst men , who are deemed to lack such a cycle of visible creativity ( and who have other aspects of their own equally natural physiology denied ) , are placed within the realm of culture , manipulating their own social and political existence , and transcending the passive forces of nature .
17 A crystal monochromator may be used to narrow the line and eliminate unwanted components , but the increase in complexity and the reduction in intensity that are inevitably involved mean that this is only done if very high resolution is required ( see below ) .
18 The British ambassador in Washington , Lord Inverchapel , fittingly commented on the hearing , ‘ I draw your attention to Mr Acheson 's denial that the programmes for aid to Greece , Turkey and Korea constitute an ideological crusade and to his following remarks which show that that is precisely what they are . ’
19 ( The Figures opposite show that this is particularly true for those out of work for more than a year — the long-term unemployed . )
20 And the answer to my question , to be useful , should not be ‘ because my calculations show that this is so , and it will save your client £X to do it ’ , but , ‘ because the way your market works is thus ; and your advertising — or at least the campaign you are running — affects it so ’ .
21 These data show that this is indeed a very disabled group of people .
22 Multiple alignments of ICAM-1 , ICAM-2 and ICAM-3 ( Fig.3 b ) reveal that ICAM-3 is most closely related to ICAM-1 , with an overall 47% amino-acid identity rising to 77% in domain II .
23 I consider that this is properly to be regarded a case of extortion colore officii .
24 Ensure that burning is responsibly supervised .
25 And if retailers do indeed start charging less for cash purchases than for those bought on credit cards , ensure that this is precisely what they are doing and not merely surcharging credit card users .
26 I accept that this is quite a basic and simplistic way of expressing what has to be a deep and complex theory , but the story of Martin may provide more clues .
27 While I accept that this is still an open question in the minds of many local farmers , I thought the article should have been more explicit about the scientific consensus on this point .
28 West — and in fact it is not unequivocally clear that this is so — that would not be a good reason for proclaiming the demise of regionalism as an issue .
29 I heartily agree with him , and I suspect that that is really an argument in favour of federalism in due course — I would not necessarily be too frightened of taking that course .
30 Well there 'd be dying and scouring and tacking sorting , trimming , packing , drying , all kind , you know that that 's about total number of departments , brushing .
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