Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [verb] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 These results , however , are somewhat misleading because in most cases the wells do not appear to have been drilled for Zechstein objectives and were either off-structure or lacking in significant closure at Zechstein level .
2 This point helps to explain why there do not appear to have been many actual dismissals for pilferage ( we assume that we would have been told if there had been an abnormally high incidence of these ) , but we would still have expected there to be some if pilferage has been common , particularly since store security is not under Fred 's control .
3 Reports differ as to the extent of the modifications , but a close viewing of the film would indicate that the airworthy Zekes in the Japanese scenes do not appear to have been modified much beyond the application of paint and Japanese markings .
4 In the event the ships do not appear to have been sent , although payment for preparing them was certainly made by the Exchequer at York to Roger Savage and Peter of Dunwich .
5 Yet they do not appear to have been cowed by systems or professionals .
6 There do not appear to have been any empirical studies which have looked for an increase in the amount of information reflected in share prices as a result of the commencement of trading in index futures ( except in so far as volatility reflects information ; see Chapter 13 ) .
7 the record of some of the institutional innovations which pluralists have suggested and which were created in the 1970s , do not appear to have been as successful in reducing military expenditure as pluralists have assumed they would .
8 There do not appear to have been any children ( none are mentioned in his will ) .
9 Developments in the reform of children 's services do not appear to have been influenced by this body of knowledge to the same extent as the reforms of ‘ adult services ’ .
10 Experimental tests of the Hashin-Shtrikman and Hill-Walpole bounds , which lie , of course , within the Voigt and Reuss bounds do not appear to have been made for single polymer systems but , as discussed later in this chapter , they have been applied to a styrene-butadiene-styrene system and to a composite of glass beads and epoxy resin ( Arridge & Crowson 1979 ) .
11 Unfortunately the only categories included in the criteria for grants which might be exploited by the arts do not appear to have been designed for this purpose .
12 Apparently cystic abnormalities within the biliary ducts of several of the present patients do not appear to have been recognised in other contexts : it is suggested that these too are a constituent of the radiology of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis .
13 The courts do not appear to have been troubled by the notion of an issue being determined by an expert other than an individual .
14 Gambling has been banned but proposals to ensure Muslims do not drink have been relaxed , and the 5% of the state 's population who are Chinese have been reassured that they will get their Tiger beer .
15 Heart valves can be removed very simply from the body up to three days after death … you do not need to have been on a life support machine … even heart attack victims can be suitable donors .
16 Though the authorities do not seem to have been aware of the scale and significance of capital flows within the sterling area , they were aware that the exchange controls in that area were not all that London hoped .
17 In families that did not indulge themselves in this way a healthier climate prevailed ; children do not seem to have been unduly obsessed with death .
18 What distinguishes the companies still with us after a long period of recession is that they are lucky — they do not seem to have been hit by the unexpected .
19 They were a primitive and tribal people , and do not seem to have been such fierce opponents as the Saxons .
20 The relevant internal Cabinet Office organization files in the CAB 21 series at the Public Record Office do not seem to have been used by previous commentators on British Cabinet government .
21 Moreover , the decorative features of the temple ( carvings of palmtrees , capitals like lilies , capitals festooned with network , pomegranates , and open flowers ) are all prominent in the repertory of St Polyeuktos , although they do not seem to have been current in contemporary Byzantine sculpture .
22 The chinampas of central Mexico represent a most sophisticated form of wetland agriculture and the Veracruz raised fields do not seem to have been as elaborately built .
23 There was another edition of them in 1554 , then they do not seem to have been reprinted for nearly three hundred years .
24 In terms of the ‘ demographic transition ’ it is a great puzzle to explain why the response to them was so late in a relatively literate , urbanized , and industrialized society where returns from children do not seem to have been plausible for a long time ( R. M. Smith 1981 ) .
25 In spite of this , Gloucester 's links with the Cliffords themselves do not seem to have been close .
26 The practical services rendered by each side to the other do not seem to have been all that large although there is still considerable speculation about the volume of weapons with which the Vietminh were supplied .
27 These works do not seem to have been widely read , and his reputation as an author now rests on his Thanksgivings , published as A Serious and Pathetical Contemplation Of the Mercies of God in 1699 ‘ at the request of a Friend of the Authors ’ , who was perhaps the devotional writer Susanna Hopton [ q.v. ] ; and on a number of manuscript works which have become known , in a remarkable series of discoveries , in the course of the twentieth century .
28 Lardner 's volumes were not quite an encyclopedia , since each one could stand on its own : volumes came out at intervals , and buyers do not seem to have been made to subscribe to the whole set .
29 The above effects are likely to be important only at or below the glass transition temperature but they do not seem to have been analysed to date , nor is there yet a molecular interpretation of the frictional forces between chains arising from these and other causes .
30 Inland changes to sites over the last 1000 years do not seem to have been so drastic .
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