Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My second point , and it refers to again er something that Barton Willmore referred to and that 's the question er an engine of growth , and it seems to me that that that such a settlement would become an en engine of growth in in the countryside , not least because of of the it would become self fulfilling , er and it would be the obvious sort of sink hole , as Mr Thomas said , for for subsequent land allocations , I think , erm this this point has been touched upon by both the representatives from Leeds City Councils and from Cleveland , Leeds City Council appear not to want it in the Leeds York corridor for just that reason , the representative from Cleveland , who unfortunately is n't here today erm does n't want it in the North of the county for for what I understand to be to be that same reason , erm and the Inspector at the Stone Basset erm enquiry in Oxfordshire , and I I do refer th to this in my evidence , he he drew a very similar conclusion about this when he said , and I quote , once destep once established the new town would generate a momentum of growth that would be difficult to contain , such growth , if allowed , could further harm the rural character of the countryside and the villages in this part of Oxfordshire , I think that conclusion can be applied to North Yorkshire , and I certainly have n't heard anything that would convince me that that such growth once it started could could be controlled , and indeed the the record of controlling growth against erm projected requirements in the structure plan to date has has not been good , witness earlier comments on the structure plan overshoot .
2 As the use of Carbonflo has not been totally proved yet , I suggest not using it in your diesel .
3 There is no point in having a system which keeps on playing up ; much better not to have one at all .
4 Oh I see , you mean not get it till then ?
5 Well as it 's used in other muckier places I tend not to use it over cleaning table white cloths aah
6 Thus , speakers who have productive control of Dyirbal morphology tend not to use it in peer-group situations .
7 I tell you , I was hard put not to snatch it from her hand and throw it and her out of the window . ’
8 In order to confront the denial system of the sufferer , but at the same time not cause it to be so aroused as to be counter productive , it may be helpful to avoid specific terms such as " alcoholic " , " drug addict " , " anorexic " , " alcoholism " , " drug addiction " , " anorexia " and substitute a phrase such as " stress and depression and problems with alcohol ( or drugs or food etc ) " or simply " problems in your life " .
9 I du n no nuffink about sex .
10 I du n no nuffink about the birds and bees .
11 Du n no what about science
12 And there seems to be dissatisfaction , greed , I du n no what amongst the youngsters today .
13 Cathy , Cathy if they got some disease like , I du n no something like I du n no cancer or something like that , would they be more ill than normal ?
14 Oh is he , I du n no anything about B S G.
15 Nevertheless do not tell me of it , even to confirm me ; for it is what we can not analyse or arrange , any more than the rich simplicity of childhood .
16 However , these institutional norms do not tell anything like the whole story , and this is particularly true if we focus on spoken language in casual conversation and on phonetic and phonological variation : as we noticed in chapter 3 , the norms of a superordinate variety can not be projected on to the norms of a speech community without distorting our description .
17 However , they do not tell us about the complex subjective processes which this involved .
18 The other factor to consider is that the figures do not tell us about the amount of borrowing which comes about from increases in mortgages used for purposes other than house purchase .
19 The Minutes do not tell us in what Mr R — — — ‘ s ‘ misconduct ’ consisted and he is heard of no more .
20 Paint and varnish slow down moisture changes in wood but they do not prevent them for no paint is impermeable to water vapour .
21 Furthermore , teaching Portuguese in primary school to children who do not speak it at home further isolates school experience from that of the home .
22 ( iii ) It is important that pupils working towards level 7 and beyond have increasing opportunities to use spoken Standard English , and in particular that those who do not speak it as a native dialect should be helped to extend their language competence so that they can use Standard English with confidence .
23 Do not wear lots of obvious jewellery when you are out .
24 On my board , it is easy to put this on and remove it , so the girls do not ruin it for me !
25 Some problems do not lend themselves to financial solutions .
26 But the hills remain , for these mountain ranges of southern Greece do not lend themselves to the blandishments of the travel brochure .
27 The clay soils of many farms north of the Downs , for example , do not lend themselves to intensive arable farming , and few farms here ( or , for that matter , fields ) are far from woodlands so that they are not wholly dependent on such features as patches of scrub or hedges for the presence of many common farmland species .
28 Death is always a failure in hospital , and the business and routine of life in the medical and surgical wards do not lend themselves to a personal death ( Sudnow 1967 ) .
29 Unfortunately , other forms of assessment do not lend themselves to precise measures of test-retest reliability and the clinician may need to judge how far situational factors might have influenced the two assessments .
30 The ‘ open cup ’ principle holds good for most types — there are just two or three growth habits like Bourbons and Musks that do not lend themselves to it too well , and we will deal with them later .
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