Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv prt] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The sensor will react instantaneously to body heat and bring on a light outside your home whenever anyone approaches .
2 However , the use of pig fat in the enfleurage process will be off-putting to the vegetarian who may have to forgo the pleasures of jasmine and tuberose or track down a supplier of the even more elusive vegetable oil absolutes .
3 Stripes can go a bit fuzzy , too , and most people bring along a selection of clothes .
4 Better still , bring along a coach from your parish .
5 Or more seriously bring along a book on figure drawing to help you and do n't be afraid to hold a pencil at arm 's length to measure proportions .
6 Lay down a number of clubs , say four as shown ( photo above ) , at different intervals on the practice green ( first make sure you are allowed to chip onto the practice green ) .
7 Mummy would have Mrs Thing bring in a trolley with cakes and sandwiches and tell her to play the piano for the Guests .
8 What I 'm , what I 'm saying is if , if you want to really stir people up , bring in a procedure within telling them what you 're doing , and then imple implement it at a later date and people will say , this is not quality .
9 Well bring in a picture of him
10 bring in a reign of terror and have
11 The deans and chaplains of colleges were nervous lest the evangelicals bring in a firebrand of a missioner who would repel their undergraduates not only from his mission but from religion .
12 I send in a couple of men ? ’
13 After sending in a tape , with a biography , contact address and a photo , a useful approach can be to update the A&R department every time your band does one or a series of gigs. send in a sheet of paper personally addressed to your target A&R person .
14 But I slip down a couple of back roads and I find it soon enough .
15 Break up a little of the white or plain dark chocolate for decorating and melt over a pan of simmering water ( see step 1 ) .
16 I mean to move on silently escaping , but I crash straight into a trolley , pushed by a bloke looking like one of the heavyweights in a James Bond film , so I leap away at speed as he snarls after me and knock over a pile of bean tins .
17 Roux and Co cook up a treat at Food Show .
18 I build up a painting like that by covering the whole canvas with a kind of stain , then I get a cloth and rub the images out with a rag , block out the areas of light , then I add very thin layers of paint , then I glaze it and then paint into it .
19 I build up a painting like that by covering the whole canvas with a kind of stain , then I get a cloth and rub the images out with a rag , block out the areas of light , then I add very thin layers of paint , then I glaze it and then paint into it .
20 Through this progression , we build up a vista in the round , the lone figure of the narrator at its centre ; then , in ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) , the eye focuses on a particular point : the distant river and vanishing tug , whose disappearance from the scene reinforces the narrator 's isolation .
21 ‘ It can be hard when they die , because you build up a bond with them .
22 Some build up a sense of foreboding that is either confirmed or denied , some make us laugh all the way through , some seem written only to outrage .
23 It really is possible to get plenty of riding without your own horse and without pots of money — particularly if you ride well and build up a reputation as a reliable and competent person .
24 The same thing applies when you build up a story in words .
25 The age-old method of casting bells was to make a clay mould of the inside shape of the bell , then build up a layer of beeswax round it to the shape and thickness of the finished bell .
26 But ions can not probe non-conductors because they build up a charge on the surface , which distorts the analysis .
27 They circle the Earth repetitively and , as the Earth rotates eastwards below their orbital path , their instruments build up a picture of land and sea-surface conditions and the state of the atmosphere .
28 Science is a collective enterprise ; over time , researchers build up a body of wisdom which tells them which are the important variables to include when modelling a particular process , and which must be controlled .
29 As you build up a number of scenarios , you can identify the cells that best show the results of your what-if constructions , and have the results of the various scenarios displayed side by side onscreen or printed .
30 From their experiences children build up a set of explanations and beliefs which enable them to make sense of what happens around them .
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