Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv prt] [conj] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and then you sit down and go through all what books are out and
2 You either stand up and walk out and go to a different class , or you join in .
3 But be aware that anyone can call themselves a ‘ counsellor ’ ; your doctor may be able to refer you appropriately — otherwise shop around and go on recommendation .
4 And we 've got quite a bit well either that or we could watch the programme and then wash up , clear up and go to bed .
5 We just give up and go through the motions and we let our negativity harden inside us .
6 After blunting two ice-screws I give up and go for the peg .
7 If I 've a complicated feature to write , or a problem to solve , I usually duck out and go for a run .
8 rising tyres and park and jump out and go into their rooms
9 But one diver always remains in the bell to act as bellman and , in an emergency , lock out and go to the divers ' aid .
10 Manifestations can vary enormously from one individual to another ; a sufferer may — or may not — forget how to wash , dress , eat , go to the lavatory , get up or go to bed ; be disorientated in time and place ( for example , may get up in the middle of the night , or may wander away from home and be unable to find his or her way back ) ; forget the social conventions of politeness , and may therefore become aggressive or rude ( or over-friendly ) ; forget how to communicate , and even his or her own or other people 's identity .
11 They thought they 'd have the Mexican wave when someone go get , get up and go to the loo !
12 its really cold , yeah oh that was good , I enjoyed that she 's still there , she 's a Lance Corporal now as well and I must admit well I , I did n't think she 'd ev , she was always crying but I never thought she 'd actually do very well in the T A , did n't seem to have the get up and go about it but she obviously sorted herself out and got , Spambo Man they called me .
13 After a minute I get up and go into my old room .
14 It 's very easy for young people to come into politics , full of enthusiasm and full up of get up get up and go and many of them get up and go after a few years .
15 Mandy would remember exactly whom she had left her cousin with , and when Charity did n't appear at their cabin she would probably chortle with devilish delight , roll over and go to sleep .
16 There was a thing about Rick Holden on Sunday where he says that most of the players just sit around or go to the pub etc after training and on their days off .
17 Drink the water at the spring or well , then curl up and go to sleep near the point of issue , after invoking the anima mundi .
18 but here we , we never go up and go in the general by the
19 ‘ Here we have Wren Boys who dress up and go from door to door asking for money , every St Stephen 's Day , ’ she said .
20 He goes now turn round and go to sleep !
21 After a while , the bedroom door opened and they heard Mother and the visitor come down and go into the front room of the house .
22 Now settle down and go to sleep .
23 and junction nine is the one where you come off and go to Ernston that way
24 yeah , and I would make him there and then no matter what time of night or morning it was , strip off and go in the shower and , yeah , even in his hair , that 's , that 's how bad it was , I 'd put his clothes downstairs in the washing basket not even in the bedroom one .
25 ‘ Just shut up and go to sleep . ’
26 ‘ Oh shut up and go to sleep , ’ she said .
27 As we were hearing from Rupert just now , you know , you start if you travel to the States and spend two or three weeks wandering around there , you get an impression of the travel industry as a consumer , and you come back and go to a hotel here and you find that it seems a bit more expensive , or perhaps the meals are n't quite so good , or , as Rupert pointed out , the service is n't quite so good .
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