Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv prt] [conj] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It begins to get very cold and hats and pogies appear but we press on and soon after midnight portage Marlow ; a hundred yards downstream we find the campsite and land .
2 Graveney insists that Hick should go back to basics , and remain in that classic position he is in at the start of the bowler 's run-up — to stand sideways-on , bat on the ground , knees slightly bent , feet about shoulder width apart , and head up and still with both eyes level .
3 The top stitches coil back and forth over the back stitches , see above right .
4 We 'll also focus on a very special display the Falcons put on while here in the States .
5 The second stage is a kind of broadside display ; it is called the ‘ parallel walk ’ , and in it the two males walk back and forth along side each other .
6 To give even a simple account of this sequence demands chapters that travel back and forth between the various territories that Charles conquered and ruled .
7 Moving off , before moving off always use your mirrors , but look round as well for a final check , signal as necessary before moving out , move off only when you can do so safely without making the road user change speed or direction right
8 Get up and away from him now .
9 The ions in the plasma gyrate back and forth in JET 's magnetic containment field , and by tuning the RF power to this frequency , the radio waves resonate with the ions , passing on energy and raising the plasma 's temperature .
10 Who can wonder if they wobble back and forth between ten-point plans for confederal re-unification and loyalty to an immobilised Nato structure ; between pounding on with monetary union and waiting to see what happens ?
11 Cars purr back and forth along the expressways , bearing the Bernsteins to dinner with the Chases , the Chases to the Waylands , the Waylands for a Christmas morning drink with the Bakers .
12 three million books on the shelve , and we do n't have time going properly at the price so we go anything you want , bung it on the trolley and soon as the trolleys full it 's taken away and another one given , and you poke around and then in the evening , you stay in a hotel overnight , and then the following morning , they get and you just sort of send up the money and they just shout up the money as we go , then , every time I get to a thousand they say one , two , and you say right , tell me when I get near three , and I 've got this erm , I 'm dreadful at maths , I failed maths O Level three times and I do n't think about prices , I 've never been more than fifteen pounds out .
13 Go right and collect the painting , go left , down , and right along the passage , go down and left along the passage , go down and right along the passage , fall down the gap , and then down again into the clouds , go back to the start , go right and down , go left to the switch , go up on the painted walls , go left and collect the painting , fall down , go right and up on the stairs from the cauldron , go right and into the painting board to complete the level .
14 Fall down and go right on the dodgems , go up and right through the wall , go down and collect the scroll , go up and push the crate right off the platform , fall down and push the crate left off the platform , fall down and push the crate right off the platform , push it left off the next platform , then right and left twice , jump on the big wheel on your right , jump off and at the bottom of the screen go right , collect the arrow , go left and up , go right and climb up on the platforms , go left and collect the star , fly right , up and right , push the crate right off the platform , push it left onto the button , go left , down and collect the star .
15 Indeed , as we shall see below , many of its key protagonists ( such as Poulantzas and Therborn ) also switch back and forth between the arbiter model and functionalist arguments .
16 They draw implications in the world of a deaf child 's hearing through the early fitting of a hearing aid and point out that even under these advantageous circumstances a deaf child 's functional hearing may not be comparable to that of hearing children at the same sound levels .
17 The tax 's defenders point out that only between a third and a half of church members pay the levy , and then only in proportion to their incomes .
18 Well he said go back and tomorrow at least and
19 Scotland has a population of approximately 5 million , most of whom live in or close to cities or towns .
20 Through its team of inspectors , the NII is responsible for approving the safety of all nuclear power stations , both before they start up and regularly during their operation .
21 For many minutes , Ali , Asaad and Isaac plod back and forth in a chain through the snow .
22 We find scenes in which two characters on an equal footing move back and forth between Thou and You according to mood ( Hal and Falstaff ) ; others where both characters use Thou , one expressing affection , the other hostility ( Richard III wooing Lady Anne ) ; others where the shift from You to Thou expresses a crucial shift of intimacy ( Goneril to Edmund ) or acceptance ( Brabantio to Roderigo ) .
23 Harris perceived that the I-Thou relationship is represented perfectly adequately by By frequently limiting his scope to I and Thou Shakespeare is creating an interpersonal field which is so restricted that thoughts , ideas , feelings move back and forth between sender and receiver without the need for any other delimitation or definition .
24 So I think I 'm asking for just a bit more , more talks and where there is a , a home or homes in a rural area that may be the only home in that area , so it is available to local people that Social Services come in and there in an understanding in planning authorities first and now the actual criteria we 're working on because most local people will think that home is for local people .
25 Shut up and just for once listen to me ! ,
26 All this marking and writing and reference back and forth between different textbooks and notes is the correct way to deal with impersonal communication of the kind that you encounter in your studies .
27 Of the world 's 32 living species of seals , ten occur in or close to arctic waters ( Stonehouse , 1985a ; see data in Table 5.2 . )
28 The baddies trundle back and forth like an expectant father and resurrect on returning to a screen , and you 've got this pathetic energy bar thingie which encourages you to ignore them anyway !
29 If Rainbow were left to her own devices , she would undoubtedly now choose to remove herself from the taxi altogether , and pace back and forth in the lay-by , enjoying the comparative peace of the rain and the fumes and the roar of the juggernauts until she could get the show back on the road once more .
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