Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun prp] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll tell you what R I mean Roger I 'll leave it entirely with you .
2 I said look Neil you can drive , but let's not let's not take it that I 'm saying that you must drive let's go into the question of why you 're making a mess of it at this time and we , oh honestly Brenda if I 've got black circles under my eyes do not be surprised because , of course , this all goes back to his absolutely , appallingly , stupid mother !
3 I would agree with that but I 'll take it further to say that , and if you read Marx you 'd find this very clear , what he meant ultimately that the working class would achieve is a kind of a society where there was a common ownership of the means of life .
4 Exley , at 30 almost a veteran , but who had had an impressive run in this year 's championships , vowed : ‘ I 'll be back next year and if I meet Eric I 'll beat him . ’
5 If you read Callenbach you will know what I mean by an " Ecotopian " , if you read FAST 's voluminous reports I doubt whether you will recognise a citizen of the biosociety .
6 If you suspect TSS you should go to see your GP immediately and , if you are using a tampon , remove it .
7 ‘ If ye read Prescott ye 'll get the impression Pizarro crossed the Andes and destroyed the great empire of the Incas with just forty horse and sixty foot .
8 There were some irreverent proposals to perform the ultimate experiment and try injecting material extracted from Ungar 's brain into his critics — a human trial that I suspect Ungar himself might have been rather in favour of !
9 look James I 'll get cross , now leave the fridge and the freezer , closed please
10 Well you know William you can have two points
11 ‘ Close the door behind you , and tell Zaza I 'd like some coffee . ’
12 When I hear Richard I can hear Aunty Mary .
13 I tell Marie I 'd like some gloves cos I lost mine , and she says we 'll have a look and see if there 's any good cheap ones .
14 And I said , yes you see , gave her a try and so she went if you know Frinton you could go , in those days
15 Tell Sid he could lose a lot on his Gas shares
16 So I forget the promise I gave Victor and tell Darius I 'll come down with him .
17 Tell Simone I 'll call her before I leave France . ’
18 The later term that Freud adopted to this super ego has become synonymous in people 's minds with conscience the idea of the super ego as the the role of conscience and presum presumably that 's another aspect of the same thing and er Serg Moskovicy in his excellent book Age of the Crowd erm which is on the reading list which I can thoroughly recommend in discussing this point of how Freud sees the leader as the kind of super ego of the followers quotes one of the Nuremberg war criminals , I forget which it was now erm Goering or Goebbels or one of these er people who when asked of the Nuremberg war tribunals why did you do the things you did , replied Adolf Hitler was my conscience and that 's er that 's a very erm good example of this idea of er how the the role of conscience can be transferred from the individual to the , to the leader of the group and I suppose Dean you would say erm illustrates one of the greatest dangers of group , group membership because er obviously if if that happens in a group , then erm individuals are to some extent erm surrendering their moral self-responsibility and of course if Freud 's insight is correct , then there was an element of truth in in this in this excuse Adolf Hitler was my conscience .
19 He played as I suppose Bach himself would have played — I think at a rather slower tempo than most modern pianists and harpsichordists , though with no loss of rhythm or shape .
20 And I reckon Sunday I 'd have got a lift home .
21 I mean it 's interesting I mean I , I made all those comments earlier about and I mean Peter he might disagree with them , but what I think is how we view the Royals as we were all growing up .
22 Of course , try Jim who 'd do it
23 Yeah , well erm , I , I would n't a , ask Liza she 'll tell you .
24 Before you leave Spain I will wish to read the feature .
25 And then I presume Mr you 'll go on to deal with matter A one A.
26 ‘ Ah 'm Iain , this is Nils , Mrs Sunderby is Iris — no , better call her Eeris , she responds to that much quicker — ye 're Peter , or Pete for short , and what the hell we call Gómez we 'll find out in due course .
27 But I think John we should point out that it was , it was only unsuccessful because it turned out not to be a sewerage problem .
28 inform HCIMA who will charge a moderation fee to resit candidates .
29 Come Sunday you 'll enjoy a stroll down Memory Lane to re-live if not recapture some of the golden moments you 've shared with the ones you love .
30 Share a professional concern with a close confidante or intimate Saturday , but come Sunday you must get on your soapbox .
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