Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] in [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Well nobody can see if you sit right in front of it , can they ?
2 These were truths and remain so in spite of the fallacious ideological baggage with which they are mixed up .
3 Break down and cry right in front of you ?
4 A visitor arriving in Zurich for the first time will almost certainly do so with a preconceived idea of a feverishly busy city where austere-faced financiers wearing dark suits hurry past in search of the next billion dollars , where bankers huddle together in back rooms like a secret society , a place resembling a web from the centre of which threads reach out to manipulate the money markets of the world , and everything is subordinate to profit .
5 They appear well in advance of publication , and usually contain a good deal of information about individual titles — though here again the information is put together by the producers , who are naturally keen to sell their product .
6 In a strong khaki handkerchief he kept his money , the handful of coins he had managed to save or pilfer and hide away in spite of Sweetheart 's threats that she would always find him out if he tried to lie or keep wicked secrets from her .
7 INSIDER DEALING Journalists should not use for their own profit financial information they receive professionally in advance of its general publication .
8 For example , they decline sharply in times of war , as they did in Europe during both the two ‘ World ’ wars .
9 In the UK the top six to eight performers in executive search earn well in excess of £250 000 per annum plus a range of benefits .
10 You have the choice ; dive deep in search of these creatures , or shallow ( and longer ) in the dappled sunlight with the corals and fish .
11 The meaning of ‘ privatisation ’ and arguments put forward in favour of it are then considered .
12 Moreover , none of the arguments put forward in favour of keeping IBM in one piece actually offers a good reason for doing so .
13 Mr Foster , who took up the issue on behalf of farmers and operators , said : ‘ I am deeply disappointed that the Intervention Board has not accepted the strong arguments put forward in favour of the facility . ’
14 Four groups proposed the following pattern , remarkably , at identical points in the narrative : The reasons put forward in support of this pattern were interesting .
15 Much of the rest of this book will be exploring and evaluating the various arguments put forward in elaboration of this position .
16 Rincewind backed away , hands spread protectively in front of him .
17 They failed to close ranks and mobilize effectively in defence of their common interests .
18 Fixed-term contracts vary widely in terms of the number of days ' leave given .
19 In all cases although the reason for the activity is clear cut the means of achieving the desired end vary widely in terms of the path taken and the time required .
20 The percentages drop greatly in terms of wider ownership : one in five hold shares in two companies ; one in 12 in three and one in six in four .
21 What tipped the balance was a decision by some 3,000 Protestant electors to desert the Ulster Unionist candidate — for whom all nationalists were the same — and vote tactically in favour of the non-violent nationalism of the Social Democratic and Labour party victor , Joe Hendron .
22 However , such items are liable to some variability in terms of how they are applied by different people and , furthermore , they convey little in terms of specific information about a child 's command of language .
23 If anything , arguments against the politicization of education ( making it a ‘ political football ’ ) tell rather in favour of central than of local control .
24 To this end she stays a virgin , or practises abstinence , or contraception , or if things get further in spite of her best endeavours — for both men and her own desires are importunate — terminates .
25 They dig deep in search of mineral deposits to replenish those expended in the last year of growth .
26 The pound has been very strong recently , particularly in the United States , where they 've got a weak dollar , and we have to put over the message that there are tremendous deals to be had erm both in air fares and when you get here in terms of hotel rates erm and in terms of prices of food and so forth .
27 These sentences contrast grammatically in terms of phrase structure , and could not , in any logical sense , be regarded as paraphrases of one another .
28 Early of Ely and Family ’ ( 1771 ) in which the richly clad Earl , the Countess and their two musical daughters sway elegantly in front of an idealised Greek temple set in their newly designed gardens while a small African boy dressed in a combination of Turkish and Indian costume holds up the Earl 's diadem , curiously peering round the Countess to look up at his owner .
29 ( Clark subtly assists the progress of self-consciousness into the debate by employing the misleading metaphor that many animals ‘ operate largely in terms of a learned map of the area ’ ( 47 ) , to account for what they do .
30 It claimed that people feel more in control of their lives if they are inching forward on a journey , rather than waiting for something to happen .
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