Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [prep] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Blowflies winter also as maggots or pupae in carcasses ; butterflies and moths probably winter only as larvae or pupae .
2 I have no commercial gallery and I sell only through commissions and the Royal Academy ; moreover having always had a teaching job , I have no real need to sell .
3 This morning I rank somewhere beneath paedophiles and muggers of old ladies .
4 If we genuinely believe everyone to be entitled to education , then we must reject the aristocratic distinction between an education fit only for workers and one fit for philosopher-kings ; but we Must equally reject the new assumption that only those who are receiving a scientific education are being ‘ properly ’ educated ; the rest , those who are studying arts , being relegated to the position of drones or parasites to be , at best , tolerated , and seen as ‘ enriching ’ themselves .
5 Hill farmers are primarily stockmen who delight more in animals than in machinery , buildings , or cash crops .
6 Most of us produce a single design each year which we send both to calligraphers and non-calligraphers alike .
7 Woodland plants grow well in clearings and along the forest edge and provide food for many insects and mammals .
8 I never sleep well in dormitories and all their hustle and bustle jars after a day 's walking .
9 Omnivores comprise by far the largest group from cosmopolitan feeders such as the opportunistic wrasses which have broad tastes to specialised feeders such as angelfish which browse benthically upon sponges and algae .
10 Some designs fit neatly into circles and would be suitable for , say , small turned boxes , coasters or shallow platters .
11 All staff are expected to help entertain key clients , socialise constructively with suppliers and trading partners , and carry out any on the spot research projects deemed necessary by our department heads .
12 Usually worn by those smug bastards who fidget relentlessly on planes and insist on getting up and walking round the whole time , demonstratively taking photos out of windows and asking for guided tours of the cockpit .
13 On continental Antarctica two species of penguins , emperors Aptenodytes forsteri and Adelies Pygoscelis adeliae , are the most prominent breeding birds ; both breed colonially in groups that may number tens or hundreds of thousands .
14 These break away in storms and drift , catching not only fish but trapping and drowning seals , dolphins and other mammals .
15 At Bewick she would not have dreamed of sitting by a fire in idleness while her clothes were sorted and shaken and put away in drawers and cupboards , which , when opened , gave out breaths of lavender .
16 Governments must take measures to ensure that the deprived areas receive more in services than other areas both as regards buildings and equipment as well as staff .
17 Listen attentively to stories and poems , and talk about them .
18 Alkalis : react mainly with fats and other organic materials .
19 Slightly higher porosities of up to 5% are developed in the algal boundstones at the top of each depositional cycle , where the pores consist mainly of vugs and enlarged fractures , together with some intragranular voids .
20 Yet from time to time law officers , judges and others in high places speak disparagingly of letters that they and others receive from prisoners asserting just that .
21 focus exclusively on goals and results
22 Mix well with eggs and spoon mixture into peppers/ Brush liberally with oil and bake in pre-heated oven at 200 degrees C or 400 degrees F ( gas mark 6 ) for 30 – 40 minutes .
23 Now they wear little except shorts and light rubber-soled pumps and hold on to vertical cliff walls like flies with a combination of sticky powder on their fingers , the faith of an Indian fakir , and tons of hardware in the shape of bolts , runners and slings hammered into the rocks .
24 These lie somewhere between with-profits and unit-linked policies in terms of their risk/reward ratio .
25 Problems lie somewhere between puzzles and policy issues .
26 Selecting the most suitable kind of pool-liner can be rather confusing ; prices vary widely for products that , to the uninitiated , appear to be very similar .
27 The court heard of royalties that vary widely between countries and of a Sony deduction for packaging in excess of the actual cost .
28 Language situations vary widely in countries and between them .
29 Existing sales taxes vary somewhat between republics and provinces , and even between communes , but probably not enough to cause significant economic distortions .
30 Provision of materials and expert personnel is only part of the requirement ; teachers need opportunities to pool ideas and programmes , share one another 's resources on a personal advice basis , find compatible people to whom to turn for educational and emotional support , meet together in courses and workshops at a variety of levels , often very informally , and find the unusual people or collections in the community that the Exeter project is noting and which have played such a useful part in the work of Devon schools .
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