Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As Ania Loomba puts it , in relation to colonialist studies , ‘ the neglect of histories surrounding native insubordination either devalues or romanticises the latter , or worse , tends to read colonised subjects through linguistic or psychoanalytic theories which , for some of us at least , remain suspiciously and problematically shot through with ethnocentric assumptions whose transfer to all subalterns is unacceptable ’ ( ‘ Overworlding ’ , cited from manuscript ) .
2 I loved trains , but I could remember the mounting excitement that I felt , as we approached the path leading to the station , change suddenly and inexplicably to fear .
3 People will go along with what you want rather than actively supporting you .
4 Stir the flour into the remaining juices and cook slowly until well browned , stirring all the time .
5 There 's quite a lot of things happening on there , we never have it on , but I have had it on and there now , they say so and so 's got something for sale or
6 The planning is in its embryo stage as the Springboks , re-emerging on the world scene after eight years exile , juggle home and away trips .
7 Thus proving the theory that charity work is always more beneficial to charity workers than to those they appear unselfishly and unstintingly to assist .
8 The team must never to be stretched and when we press forward that also means the goalkeeper .
9 Blissett cynically and deliberately brought his elbow into con-tact with the other man . ’
10 If only she could just go home , hide away and never have to see anyone again — but she had promised to stick with Paula and there would be all kinds of awkward questions and recriminations if she arrived home alone .
11 Metaphors of grasping call attention to the active process of thinking rather than to static and distinct thoughts , and make it easier to understand that we interpret and organize rather than passively reflect .
12 If you imagine suddenly and unexpectedly finding yourself in an almost vertical dive facing the ground , it is easy to understand why so many pilots fail to make a movement forward on the stick to help the glider unstall itself .
13 It is most commonly apparent where staff are employed to provide night cover only and therefore contracted to work specific hours to provide one , two or three night 's cover per week .
14 The two of them walk together and gently paw at each other rather sweetly .
15 These fuse together and then break apart , releasing energy in the motion of the products .
16 The law ought , in my opinion , to give relief if satisfied that consent was truly lacking but will require of signers even in this class that they act responsibly and carefully according to their circumstances in putting their signature to legal documents .
17 The problem is that whatever I consume greenly or ungreenly constitutes a bite out of the earth 's resources .
18 When a system of individual assessment is implemented , teachers seek regularly and conscientiously to perceive a child 's success ( be this in reading , in mathematics , or in the slow mastery of a concept in history or science ) against the understanding that child showed yesterday , last week or last year .
19 And then it was chainsawed to a stump , split into planks , seasoned , cut again and finally curved into a chair arm .
20 The UN will have to understand the complexities completely , and act firmly and sensitively to encourage re-unification and co-operation .
21 Young men with such ambitions should , it was universally agreed , travel widely and thus gain a personal acquaintance with at least some of the major European states , their problems and resources .
22 I do n't want to be ‘ kept ’ by him , so if I ca n't afford to go out we just stay in and read together or just watch television .
23 ‘ Here 's another of those men who run away and then say that they have forgotten who they are .
24 That 's what a lot of people do , the , they look once and then turn forward and bang !
25 Right , home , unpack the groceries watch Home and Away go and get Stephanie and Melissa out of school Angela will you
26 The main concern of Out ( 1964 ) , Such ( 1966 ) , and Between ( 1968 ) is the process whereby the subject constructs his or her identity in and through the language of specialized discourses , and the way in which he or she acts on those discourses to make them ‘ run here and there again' .
27 In the Nietzschean view , only art has the power to reawaken dead metaphors and to shake the rigid structures of abstraction , or as Brooke-Rose would have it , to make discourses ‘ run here and there again' .
28 Goodier will be playing a Disraeli Gears record tomorrow and then doing a special session with the band on Wednesday night .
29 Julia Swift , author of 12 Steps To Beautiful Breasts ( Thorsons ) , replied : ‘ Breasts are just fatty tissue , but toning up the muscles which lie underneath and around does improve a profile .
30 More often than not no-one bothers about the height factor , with the result that the speaker may have to peer at his notes or stand awkwardly or otherwise find it impossible to combine proper use of the mike with proper use of the lectern .
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