Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [verb] one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We visited Ferrymead on Waitangi Day to see the penny-farthing races and a staged Victorian wedding , and I had a ride on a ‘ sociable ’ , a bike from the 1890's where the riders sit side-by-side sharing one set of handlebars .
2 Cash only contributed one song to the second Highwaymen album , Highwayman 2 , a number called Songs that Make a Difference .
3 Each curve of reduced modulus is shifted with respect to the curve at T o until all fit together forming one master curve .
4 He laid great emphasis on the unity of the Trinity , arguing that root , stem , and bark together form one tree .
5 Each flash and interferogram only contribute one point to the composite interferogram , and thousands may be required .
6 Revolution and change of government all too often mean simply exchanging one set of evils for another .
7 since he came to our Lordships House with some very and has had to sit this thing ever since then with one exception er to speeches deeply and seriously critical er of the proposals er coming from Members of your Lordships House mostly with vast experience of the subject matter former Secretary 's er er former Chief Constable er and er so many others and I arise only to put one point to you if my Noble Friend decides to resist these amendments , it seems to me I may be wrong but it seems to me overwhelmingly clear that they will be carrying against him and they will be put into the Bill which will be very considerably altered and amended , some of your Lordships may think improved , but certainly drastically altered and I wonder whether er my Noble Friend thinks that really would be helpful from the point of view either of the pr future progress of the Bill , or the position of the Government .
8 They do however share one thing in common , they are all quality products , and have always been high in the list of best selling computer games on all hardware formats .
9 This time Cameroun only lost one qualifier in the African group and their decisive defeat of Tunisia in the final play-off augured well for Italy .
10 Here we are concerned with bimolecular associations where adverse entropy changes denote loss of translational ( position ) and rotational ( orientation ) motions that occur when two entities come together to form one complex .
11 I 've , I 've only met one bus driver which is nice .
12 Erm I only I 've only recorded one side .
13 ‘ Our strategy is to use the cheapest workstations we can find , ’ says Rodney Armitage , head of management services , ‘ because if you lose one you 've only lost one person .
14 on form Swindon are top dogs … they 've only lost one game in two months … but Derby have the power to beat anyone …
15 Yeah , but if you 've only written one cheque in the past whatever .
16 Maud Bailey went on : ‘ I 've checked my card index — I 'm working on a full-length study of Melusina I 've only found one reference to Ash .
17 We 've only had one bit of trouble once , and that was when we first moved on .
18 We 've only had one night when she cried a lot — luckily it was n't the night before a game . ’
19 Men who 've only had one partner almost never fantasize at work , whereas those who have had 10 or more partners have a strong tendency in the office to let their thoughts wander to sex .
20 I 've only had one cigarette .
21 Oh er I I 've only been erm I 've only had one job .
22 Employment I 've only had one job , that 's sad .
23 Erm , they 've only got one size , and S F T thirty with protector .
24 We 've only got one moon but that 's erm by no means the limit .
25 Well I 've only got one daughter , and she is er extremely good .
26 No , no , especially if you 've only got one daughter and it only goes threw once and , I mean the list is so long .
27 You 've only got one pair of hands .
28 I 've only got one pair of I 've only got one pair of
29 I 've only got one pair of I 've only got one pair of
30 In a way , it 's ended up being a good test to measure potentially good relationships against bad ones , because say I went out with someone and at a party they said , ‘ Sit on me lap , darling ’ , and then they said , ‘ Oh God , you 've only got one leg ’ — well , I 'd know they would n't be worth going out with !
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