Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [verb] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He was rarely home , even Pat only went to his flat three or four times .
2 Industry critics further point out that the EIUG 's worries last year about sharp price increases did n't materialise , and such international price comparisons as there are provide little support for its case .
3 Once you feel confident that you know what to do and why it should be done , you can put your knowledge to the test , choosing the time and place most suited to your own circumstances .
4 They have been over the greater part of Van Diemen 's Land and the Islands in Bass 's Straits and appear highly gratified with their peregrinations : a government vessel has generally been devoted to their use .
5 Or persuade or influence , or as I say even vote with their pocket books .
6 Fly here to stand by my side , sweet lady , for we can further the walls of Christendom on this isle in goodly state .
7 Beg forgiveness and say please get off my
8 How true were the observations of Ecclesiastes : ‘ The wind goeth towards the south and turneth about into the north : it whirleth about continually and the wind returneth again according to his circuits . ’
9 The company notes that the action signals its ability to use early redemption or repurchase programmes as part of continuing efforts to reduce debt and make best use of its cash .
10 That means we make best use of our resources and offer help to more and more patients . ’
11 That means we make best use of our resources and offer help to more and more patients . ’
12 Because you 're — mature enough to cope with my get-up-and-go , self-interested philosophy ? ’
13 The research councils , and the Science and Engineering and the Medical Research Councils in particular , deserve much praise for their albeit slightly belated efforts to pinpoint growth areas , such as microelectronics , information technology , biotechnology and remote-sensing .
14 [ Smoke Still Gets in Her Eyes , ASH , 1991 ] .
15 But there are all sorts of reasons why we do n't get that news , one guy said well if we wanted to do it I know if we wanted to make the news that , according to the level of human suffering we 'd start off with Ethiopia then we 'd have the Kurdish problem and you know just made a living of disaster areas around the world , he said we might of finished up with a light hearted discussion on the poll tax , you know as the , as the light , the lightener at the end of the news if you like , and our , what news we receive here depends on our perception of the world , but mainly it 's the other way round our perception of the world is , is what , you know what it , or rather the news that we get actually manufactures our perception of the world .
16 Paige nimbly rose to her feet .
17 Even when there are specialist historians , producing approximations to truth which their colleagues test and scrutinize to professional standards , people make home brews from their own lives and knowledge and offer them to their successors .
18 The Federal government should , Boning thinks , help German scientists broadcast their results more effectively by providing facilities for them to publish in English and travel more to talk about their work and learn new methods .
19 The fish that swim here carry in their flesh a poison that can make you very ill .
20 We have imagined Saddam in terms which stand diametrically opposed to our civilisation and culture .
21 Choir , Orchestra , and Drama groups meet regularly to prepare for their main public performances .
22 The fruits seem almost to jump into his hands and mouth , just dying to serve mankind , and , as with Marlowe , there is no sign of work to be seen behind this fertility .
23 These characters I create never existed outside my own mind ’ .
24 b Completion rates — While there is some evidence that completion rates for non-traditional students are overall somewhat lower than for traditionally qualified students , there is also evidence that completion rates for these students vary considerably depending on their qualifications and previous experience .
25 Shandruk later claimed in his memoirs , Arms of Valor ( 1959 ) , that he sent a personal appeal to Gen Anders , the Polish commander in Italy , for permission to march to the rear of British forces .
26 We started everything from scratch , which is nice , because people get so stuck in their ways : you walk into a professional studio and things are always done in a certain way .
27 Hoccleve now apologises for his earlier attitude and welcomes his help , embarking on a long exposition of his case .
28 Thank you to the fellowship of QP for their prayers and get well wishes during my recent stay in hospital following an operation .
29 Librarians who get too attached to their stock are doing the profession no favours .
30 It seems unlikely that the East German leaders feel much threatened by his tone .
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