Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] 's [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 That new Brian Deane song is getting sung again , but I still do n't know it cos you never realise it 's started till they get to the ‘ fuck Cantona ’ bit .
2 Oh and I just hope he 's remembering that I do n't want to be the sister in there .
3 The trouble is you know she 's get and have a good go at it , it 's not worth it with all the .
4 ‘ I do n't know how you know it 's stopped if you could n't hear it , ’ said Lydia , ‘ but you 're quite right .
5 it 's the amount of tiredness that is cu you know he 's showing and , and his speed into tiredness and then his recovery from it , that 's unusual that he could be
6 ‘ I suppose she 's broke as well , is she ?
7 ‘ I think 'e 's owed that , ’ said Sprott , ‘ I think 'e 's owed a generous tribute . ’
8 I think he 's done it , I think he 's across the river and safe and there 's a buzzy glow of vicarious accomplishment starting to well up within me , but then there 's a cracking noise and he falls ; I think he 's tripped and fallen forward but he is n't lying flat on the snow , he 's sunk up to his waist in it and there 's a pool of darkness spreading on the whiteness around him as he struggles , trying to lever himself out and I ca n't believe this is happening , ca n't believe Andy is n't going to jump free ; I 'm yelling in fear now , shouting his name , screaming out to him .
9 I think it 's called or something .
10 ‘ No , I think it 's flattering that somebody would take the time .
11 I think it 's deceiving because it 's got such high ceilings
12 I think it 's finished as it is , he said .
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