Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] must [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 If you have taken the recommended Norwich Union insurance cover you must make an insurance claim under the Legal Expenses section in respect of any legal fees incurred abroad for that purpose , and if you have taken alternative insurance , you must do likewise under any Legal Expenses cover provided by it .
2 I mean you must have a lot of cases whereby where , where you are actually perhaps er er a taxi needs to be paid for to take
3 Slemen added : ‘ We accept we must take a back seat to the national side , but we are still determined to succeed where the Midlands and England B failed . ’
4 ‘ T know you must have a full load so I 'll try not to be greedy .
5 ‘ I know we must look a kind of circus .
6 I know it must seem an unnecessary fuss to you , Dana , but it 's a big opportunity for me and I want everything to be as perfect as possible , ’ she said urgently .
7 ( I 've done dozens of lectures now , in front of all sorts of people , and I always make it up as I go along , although I suppose I must have a rough idea about what I 'm going to say . )
8 I suppose you must get a thrill out of it , but if you really knew anything you 'd go to the police . ’
9 I suppose you must get a thrill out of it … stop imagining things about me .
10 I guess you must have a wavelength going .
11 You are afraid to ask what it 's about because you feel she must have a legitimate reason to see you urgently , so you stay home and are late for work .
12 I suppose we must have a few cousins several times removed floating about somewhere or other , but I 've never heard of them .
13 Instead , agencies find they must tread a tricky path between the competing claims of state regulation and free enterprise .
14 They wake with this sense of suffocation and must sit up and bend forward or else must rush to the open window ; they feel they must take a deep breath .
15 ‘ But in order to carry on business it is necessary that the reputation of such a corporation should be protected , and therefore in the case of libel or slander it must have a remedy by action .
16 But in order to carry on business it is necessary that the reputation of such a corporation should be protected , and therefore in the case of libel or slander it must have a remedy by action .
17 Because they must , I mean even though Mark 's are good suits , I mean they must get a lot of wear .
18 If they stay they must deliver an emasculated version of their own educational vision , and in such a position it is easier to deny the ideals than to stay open , day after day , to the disappointment and the sense of inauthenticity .
19 Because fruit is not very nutritious in proportion to its bulk , animals that eat it must consume a lot .
20 I mean it must cost a fair amount of money to keep it going cause , the calls are free
21 well I mean the heart 's the most obvious organ , but I mean it must put a strain on everything else
22 I think I must have a drink , I 've been thirsty as well .
23 Before making these fish you must make a mould .
24 I think she must make a permanent hotel , we 're there , she 's there
25 I think you must strike a very fine balance .
26 I think you must find a more interesting candidate than Gabriel .
27 You look forward to your meals very much , and I think you must have a cook with imagination because I know sometimes you have the same thing constantly and you get very bored by it .
28 to go to the other extreme and over-indulge you must make a concerted effort to curb this .
29 He ( she ? ) — I never can tell with cats ) is obviously used to people and we think he must have a home somewhere , but he 's always absolutely ravenous , and we ca n't refuse him food .
30 I think he must have a bit of cold in it or something .
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