Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] do not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I was so shaken up and upset I did not get to say thank you or even see his face , just the helpful hand outstretched to me .
2 I mean I did not need to stay on at school or get my B.A. at Strathclyde to know when not to F or C. Fuck-me shoes , I just handed them back to the saleslady with as much dignity as I could muster and says , thanks but no thanks , I do n't know when I 'd ever have the occasion to werr them .
3 I say I do not mind Hugo visiting Stef but why is he so long away ?
4 The people of Ely ‘ have but a turfy scent and fenny posture about them , which smell I did not relish at all with any content ’ .
5 If you then say , yes I think that 's very good I 'll do as you say you do not repeat no give them your money , or let them handle your money .
6 Never say you do not know why you picked certain subjects , or that other people decided for you , as this will show you in a negative light .
7 Discipline means having an agenda , starting and finishing the meeting when you said you would , answering the client 's questions with authority ( and if you can not give an answer , say you do not know but you will find out ) ; having your paperwork neat and easily at hand ; offering the best hospitality you can provide , such as telephones , a cup of coffee , a comfortable chair and a pad and pencil in case he did n't bring his own .
8 ‘ prisoner at the Bar , I will tell you what you ought to have done , and if you say you did not know , I will tell you that the Law conclusively presumes that you did .
9 ‘ You say you did not know Nona Pitt well .
10 It is a situation of great humiliation for women when they realise they do not possess their bodies except in relation to a man who might give them something — either children or some economic advantage .
11 The father of seven has called for the teacher to be suspended but education officials say they do not plan any drastic action .
12 They say they do not understand why their headmaster is so intent on persecuting them when 20 Jewish students do not attend school on Saturdays , a normal part of the school week in France .
13 The Serbs say they do not object .
14 For his part , Mr Gaunt claims that 38 of the 50 members who have signed the exemption order saving them from the full rigour of the CFTC 's rules say they do not like the agreement .
15 Durham County Council say they did not know the source of the waste , nor the company responsible for dumping it , and they admitted it is too late to find out .
16 Its leaders say it does not want to be responsible for any disturbances .
17 However , the Aberdeen economists say it does not take the issue of scarce resources into account .
18 The Baughs checked the original offer letter carefully and they say it did not state clearly that once people have accepted , there was no way out and it certainly did not mention the excessive opt-out figure they were later quoted .
19 ‘ But you say it did not have the chain on it ? ’
20 But Norwich social services bosses say he does not need the pass because he can hobble a quarter of a mile without help .
21 Yet , faced with the necessity for resolute leadership , at this time of trial , Sir Patrick could only declare his satisfaction with the present policy and say he did not anticipate many changes .
22 ‘ I hope I do not disturb you by telephoning you ; I find out you live in London from Piers , and so I think to myself that I will phone . ’
23 I hope I do not fall asleep .
24 I hope I do not sound unkind , but I am sure it is not right for you to have her .
25 ‘ I hope I did not spoil things for you . ’
26 A disobedient Norfolk farm boy was propelled into a lifetime of professional poaching by the combination of a harsh , flogging father , who for years ‘ never spoke to me nor owned me ’ , and an entertaining , caring grandfather who had poached himself : ‘ I 'm not shure I did not inherit some of my sporting ways from him . ’
27 ‘ If you imagine she does not see through your wiles , ’ came Araminta 's shrill tone , ‘ then you are a great fool , Benedict . ’
28 I only hope she did not see my carriage ! ’
29 I hope you did not try too hard to put the Princess off . ’
30 I hope you do not think me unduly vain with regard to this last matter ; it is just that one never knows when one might be obliged to give out that one is from Darlington Hall , and it is important that one be attired at such times in a manner worthy of one 's position .
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