Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] should [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 He can not listen to those who , however well-intentioned , say we should operate an open-door policy .
2 They 've criticised the headmaster , and say he should impose a complete ban on cigarettes.Mike Rowbottom reports .
3 When complete it should provide an unparalleled resource for lexicographers , and information technologists , and a test-bed for theoretical linguists .
4 I know I should give a month 's notice but I 've got some leave due ; you can take that instead . ’
5 ‘ I suppose I should expect a remark like that from you , but nevertheless — ’
6 No it 's not they reckon you should leave a two second gap if yo , if you 're travelling at thirty , forty miles an hour .
7 The qualification to motion one six six is that the C E C believe we should prepare a paper on relationship between Apex Partnership and all other sections of the Union , not just the public services section .
8 I reckon we should put a halt on this bloody hundred thousands do n't you ?
9 ‘ I feel we should open a home for displaced animals . ’
10 If we could answer these , I feel we should know a lot more than we do about the earliest history of the place and the way it has grown .
11 As a result we all feel we should have a say in its appearance , but as yet we have no right to be heard .
12 Stocks of the attached leaflet have almost run out and as this was always intended to be an interim in-house production we now feel we should produce a glossier version on a better quality paper in the style of the leaflets we have recently produced for Community Care and Assessment .
13 If I win I should get a top ten rating .
14 ‘ Oh , you think I should have a kept woman like Ma — not very modern , that .
15 ‘ I think I should have a talk to Mary , she 's got so many problems with her marriage . ’
16 ‘ I think I should like a change , ’ she said slowly after a moment .
17 But I think I should ring a few times before I would arrange to meet him .
18 Liz Savage , deputy fashion editor of Brides magazine , suggests a sophisticated suit in cream : ‘ I think she should wear a three-quarter-length straight skirt in cream crepe , with a long-line cream lace jacket and a neat , smart hat . ’
19 ‘ I still think she should see a doctor . ’
20 I think you should do a survey , approach them with a clipper board as they come in and say
21 ‘ I think you should stay a while .
22 Listen to this I think you should feature a special one off page on different types of masturbation techniques for men , most of us learn from our experiments , what do you think ?
23 I think you should write a book about it when you get home . ’
24 No I do I I believe in that as well think you should keep a lot of er green about , looks good .
25 I really think you should take a break .
27 But I I I think you should say a clear and simple statement of what our what we need for the company or person approached is
28 ‘ Meanwhile , I think you should consider a bone-marrow harvest , in case we decide on a transplant at some future date . ’
29 ‘ I think you should get an Oscar just for making a film , ’ he grumbles .
30 And I think you should have a fairly good friendship before having any kind of sexual relationship .
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